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assault on lance (Captain EjL 2)

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ej: sounds good craig i was hoping u would do that any way since i will be taking my private ship "ej's pride". havoc it sounds good that u brought ur men along. craig we will meet u at the rallying point. lets all get back to our ships and meet in the ISD fredicksburg.


*at that note ej and craig jumped into craig's ship. rythe and topshot jumped into topshot's ship. havoc went into his ship along with his men and they lifted out of the hangar towards the fredicksburg.*

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Craig docked with the ISD, waited for ej to get on, then undocked and went into hyperspace, but was pulled out of hyperspace by an Imperial Blockade. This wasn't good, because he had been in hyperspace for only seconds, and that meant that they would eventually run into the blockade on the mission. An Imperial Officer spoke via intercom on Craig's ship.



Imperial Officer: "You are in Imperial Airspace. Leave now or be taken into custody or destroyed."


Craig smirked, and replied, "Not on your life, scumbag." The Blockade opened fire, and the Ragnarok twisted this way and that, apparently more maneuverable than anyone would've thought due to its size (any of you seen Outlaw Star? a bit bigger than that ship). Craig flew right past the blockade at an incredible speed. Just moments later, missles slammed into several Star Destroyer's shield towers, the missles going so fast the radar didn't have time to pick it up.


Craig shouted on his ship, "Droids, man the guns!" The several combat-trained droids on his ship ran into the gun ports and fired the ship's turrets at the Star Destroyers' command center area. Craig looked around for the command ship of them all, found it, and flew a bit away from it then turned toward it. The engines revved, then an orange glow formed around the Ragnarok.


Craig said to the droids, "Hang on boys, its gonna be a rough ride."


The Ragnarok rocketed straight for the command center of the blockade ship and collided with it, causing the command ship to explode and the rest of the blockade to retreat. Any communication with Ej's ship was cut off immediately.


Was the Ragnarok still intact?


((OOC: Answer what you think in your next post, guys, I'll be back soon for my next post))


(Edit: Picture of the Ragnarok is here:


Ragnarok )

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*just then the blip on the command deck of the star destroyer to craig's ship just went dead.*


ej: hmmmm i sure hope he is allright. lets just hope he will meet us at the rallying point.


*ej sits himself on the command chair, with other chairs pulled out for the friends.*

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ej: lets all go into hyperspace!


*at that moment, the ISD Jimmy's Luck jumped into hyperspace. 2 hours later the ISD came out near the rendevou point.*


ej: here we are! hmmmm i wonder where craig can be?


*then all of a sudden a blip came up*


comm officer: hey a ship is coming up. it looks dragon like or something. captain shall i contact it?


ej: yes


comm officer: sir that is craig. apparently he has survived!!!!!!


*at the bridge shouts of happiness came about*

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The Ragnarok came hurtling into view, entirely intact and undamaged, but Craig was having some trouble pulling it back on course. He twisted around the controls and the Ragnarok spun into control. He docked with the ISD and boarded, and was happily greeted by the crew. "Sorry about that guys. There was a blockade here just a few minutes ago, had to wipe them out and I lost contact with you."

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Craig shook his head, smiling, "The Ragnarok isn't as damaged as you would think it is. I would give it 20 minutes before the droids are finshed preparing."



((OOC: Ive got to go to church REALLY soon, so I wont be able to respond until about 1 PM)

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Topshot:"No, a little fairy named Vader came along and put you to sleep. When next I knew, you ended up in my interceptor. Outcast interceptor, that is........"


Suddenly the ship is bombarded by the Kass Army's Tie-Bombers.


Topshot:"Damnit! That piece of bantha crap Kass Army again!

They're always trying to capture me! Rythe, man the

guns! I'll pilot the ship!"

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ej: gun officer, target those ships over there. mk send a message to the pilots. have 2 squadrons of xwings and tie fighters. if we dont stop this force our first robbery will be blown. mk relay a message to the station helm's deep. tell them to send out 5 corellian gunships, 4 cruisers, and 2 star destroyers. have the isd's carry 3 squads of atrs and 2 squads of gunboats.


*ej turns to the gang*


ej: does ne body wanna call out their forces? while our forces are doing battle u guys load up the strike ships and we will head down to that station. once we head down we will go to the center vault. craig ur up front with me. we will be able to do this.


* ej's fleet just came out of hyperspace* ej: here comes the ships i ordered for. captain of isd gollum move our forces to the center of battle. begin launching star fighters, and pound the capital ships with lasers and torpedoes.

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Craig nodded, but then had a confused look on his face, "Weren't we originally going to attack his weapon depots first, so the insurance would go to his bank rather than him?" Either way, Craig went down to the Ragnarok, told ej he'd be waiting for him there, and strapped himself in the pilot seat.

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ej: craig i made a mistake. this the first weapon depot. i get so drunk on moxie sometimes i lose my self like chevy chase. so lets start going down there.


*ej went down to the hangar where the strike force ships were, ej gathered 5 men to ride with him and 25 to go to the atr. then the strike force launched out of the hangar, hoping not to be caught with the fire fight.*


ej: everybody we will land at the closest hangar. theres bound to be a welcoming commitee. havoc please get ur men ready. mine will be coming out of the atr first then send urs out. everybody else will come with me. craig or topshot i need ur hacking skills. rythe u can cover the rear. if we stay alltogether we will get through this, and will not get captured. rythe i have a better idea, u will plant the charges. hey lets steal a couple weapons. there are 4 levels of weapons. the first is the hand blasters easy. the second is blaster rifles. the third is explosives. and the 4th is the missles and torpedoes rooms. there we will plant the charges and thus destroying the facility. havoc i want u to disable their security. and make sure know one else is coming behind us. kabeesh?

o and another thing since we will be stealing weapons ill order a couple crews with crates so we can ship them out.

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Craig launched the Ragnarok and helped take out the depot's defenses before hiding somewhere the base's sensors would not locate his ship. He immediately tapped into the mainframe and hacked the security doors, after finding out they were retina or fingerprint scan, he hacked them to allow the people he was working with's DNA. He then contacted Havoc, since he was to disable security, "The password is 785612 for the security system. My computer's being a piece of.. something.. right now and it won't let me access the security system from here, so you can disable the security system when you get in." He then switched to Ej. "I will have to open the doors as you go. When Rythe is planting explosives, target the mainframe on floor 2A, room 21, and it will disable the sensors so I can move up and unlock the other doors. Once that is finished, I will be able to hack anything else for you."

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*ej comms havoc* ej: havoc u and i are going down first so that way craig can unlock some more doors. *the gettysburg starts to dive down the station. thanx to craig the station's sensors are disabled. the gettysburg docks along with the atr and havoc's ship.* ej: allright we are going in. *the atr released the soldiers, ej and havoc came out of their ships. as ej predicted there was a welcoming commitee but they were armed to the bone with guns, lots of guns.*


ej: standard formation. make ready aim fire!!! *blue blasts came out from the rifles and hit 7 station guards.* everybody retreat behind the ships and reload! ej said. *some guards shot and 5 soldiers were shot. the rest retreated back to the ships* havoc: what are we going to do? ej: guys fire another round! *more blue shots came out and they hit 15 guards. ej took a german grenade and blasted out another 10 guards.* ej: that'll clear them. havoc lets get to the security room, there we will meet with craig ryth and topshot. u got the password from craig. work on the doors being unlocked and disabling security.

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Craig nodded and waited for a minute to load his guns. Craig then hacked the intercoms for that floor, "Go to the second floor and wipe out the Mainframe in room 21, My droids will be able to move in and unlock the doors to the weaponrys after that. The sensors for the upper levels will spot me if this isn't done." Craig assigned a droid to take over the hacking jobs, and met with the crew where they were waiting.

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*ej & co. went to the first level of weaponry. they found all types of blasters. ej saw 2 blasters that looked like the ones jango fett used.*


ej: of all things, hey lance was gonna use these. once he finds that i got them hell be angry. ryth set the first charges.

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Craig followed them in, then he looked out in the hall and was shot at. "We've got company," he grunted. He leaned out with his two handguns and fired, the bullets piercing through the guards bodies, and several others behind him. He continued firing until he ran out of ammo, reloaded, and peered back out. He was shot and hit in his left harm. "Argh.." Craig spun out and fired with his good arm, finishing off the guards. He nodded at the group, signaling the ok to go.

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He contacted the droids and they began working. The second door was open. Craig rushed upstairs and went into room 21 and blasted the mainframe. He then shot down any guards in the hallway, resisting the pain in his wounded arm until they were all dead. He went back to the crew and the Blaster rifles door was open as well.

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