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assault on lance (Captain EjL 2)

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I plant a few mines around the area where we had fought off Vengeance. I turn to my apprentice, Darth Rythe.


"At last we will reveal ourselves to Lance. At last we will have revenge!"


After planting the mines, Rythe and I board The Outlaw Star and temporarily hover the ship over the base just a couple yards over while waiting for The Ragnarok and the Gettysburg to make their exits as well.

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After hearing this, Craig leaves ej's office and starts to walk not toward the Ragnarok, but to a small lake a few miles away. He gets there and relaxes, healing the several battle wounds, and removing the gauntlets. Craig had no idea the gauntlets had that kind of power, he then knew immediately he had to control it. He went to the Ragnarok and prepared it so it would be ready to fly anytime.

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"I sense that our next involvement with Lance will include even more than just 1 super sith. Maybe even 3 this time. Come, my young padawan. We must train for the next encounter", I tell my new apprentice Darth Rythe.


We both walk into the training dojo outside of EJ's house and begin to practice and make our own skills better than they were when they fought against Vengeance.


"There are many 'things' I will be teaching you, padawan," I stated,"Including how to find and unleash your inner beast, as I and Craig have been known to do on 'several' occasions."

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Craig was suddenly in the dojo, on the sidelines. "Its going to be hard to even access a power like that, Rythe. You, are not a demon, and I am only half, being one of my parents, not sure which, my ancestery doesn't tell enough. It is, possible, to let out your own energy. Species of all sorts have some kind of incredible power within them that they are unable to unleash because they are unable to. This will take time and practice." He paused, then started again, "Personally, Topshot is a very excellent person to learn this from. But he cannot go into the depths of his power as extently as myself. Topshot's demonic abilities surpass mine at the moment, because he has reached a level of control deeper down, so learning from him is the better idea, I am at the same level as him, yet I do not have control over myself most of the time during it," He smirked at Topshot, "Topshot over here would be better to learn from, as he seems to gain his control faster than myself." With that, he sat down on a nearby chair, "But, that's just MY opinion, I'm just here to watch."

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"Although it's not easy to control your hidden powers the first time you unleash them," I quoted,"as you gain experience, you should begin to realize that you should not control your hidden abilities, but rather join them and become one with that ability."


I look over and smile at Craig, then tell him,"That's how I maintained control over my powers, whereas you, Craig, you want to control your abilities, yet you fail to realize that in order control it, you must first take control of your emotions, then your state of mind must be clear in order to become fully compatible in the areas of Control."


I then look back to Rythe,"At least that's from my experience. Everyone has abilities that they didn't know they had. You just got to do some exploration into who you really are and how you really function."


I then look back in Craig's direction.


"That understandable to you?"

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Craig thought about that for a minute. "Let me put it this way.. I'm emotionally challenged. I hardly have ANY emotion, so maybe that's my problem? My mind is always clear, so my lack of emotion may be my troubles. Thanks for pointing that out, and yeah, I do get that, perfect logic."

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*one week later*


ej: spys have found the second weapons installation. i will order 5 star destroyers along with the Jimmy's luck as lead ship. we will go in and destroy the installation with proton torpedoes. topshot that group that we accountered on the first attack we have found out that they are teamed up with lance. we may be expecting another armada there. then we will move onto the 3rd 4th and 5th targets. i have an idea that we can rob the bank and destroy the 4 remaining installations in one swift stroke. we will divide our forces. topshot, i want ur forces to go to one weapons depot. rythe i know u want to be with ur master but i need u to take a force to another depot. craig u take a force, and captain silver here will take a force to the final depot. i will take a fleet to the bank and we will all meet there. i will also clear the way so we dont have that much resistance. does this sound like a good plan?

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Craig nodded. He had some buddies he would call in for his "squad" along with the crew Ej assigned him. He headed for the Ragnarok and several ships landed by with similar designs to the Ragnarok, but they really paled in comparison to Craig's ship's abilities.

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Craig sat in an empty room in his ship. He wanted to be ready for the fight tomorrow, so he thought a little "cleansing" would do. He activated a training program and stood up. A platoon of soldiers appeared. Craig immediately took them town, and soon after some Dark Jedi appeared. Craig ducked under the holo-blade of one, tripped it, then "sliced" the other, and continued until they were down. Then, a large Sith warrior equivalent to the power of Vengeance appeared. Craig struck with his saber, which was knocked out of his hands. He drew his sword and struck, lighting coursed through the blade. He landed some hits, but the Sith "healed" himself and knocked the blade out of Craig's hands. Craig activated his gauntlets and went into his "Devil Trigger" and started thrashing the sith hologram. He leaped into the air and plunged his fists into the ground, and the room turned into an inferno, fire exploding everywhere and the simulation ended, the room went back to normal. Craig, now tired, went to his room to rest for the raid tomorrow.

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*ej gathers everyone into his office*


ej: allright everyone we are ready to go on to the assault. i beleive the ships are ready. we will divide our forces, and meet at the bank station my task force will steal the money and then we will meet at this point on the planet. *ej points on a map* then we will begin a walk in the park towards lance's base.


ej: lets get to our ships.

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I turn to Rythe,"Thinking about your new ship, hmm?"


My apprentice replies,"Yes, master."


"We have no time for that. We must take our leave now and help them again in this current mission. Now, as a gift, I am giving you this......."


I hand Rythe my old red dual-blade saber hilt, built with hidden special features that Rythe will soon discover.


"It's my saber, and its very old. Please take care of it. I have no need for it anymore."

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ej: craig i want u to to go to the 2nd weapons depot, fight the aramada there and destroy the depot. then hyperspace out to the bank and wait with me there. topshot and rythe u 2 are gonna have to be split apart for this part of the mission. topshot i want u to take a task force and go to the third depot. do the same as craig then hyperspace out to my location, rythe u the same and captain silver here will go to the 5th depot. we will meet outside the bank after i have completed the robbery. then what we can do is go in a imperial shuttle land outside lance's fortress and then we will lay seige upon it.

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"Will do."


The Ragnarok and its fleet near it went into hyperspace, appearing near the second weapon depot.


"Alright boys, lets take out this armada."


The ships split away from each other and ambushed the weapons depot before anyone knew what was happening. They arrived during a time the armada was being reloaded and refueled. Craig's small army attacked, destroying the ships before they could launch, then took over the weapons depot. Craig and several others went in and started to kill off the guards. Craig mainly wanted to know if there were any new weapons he could get his hands on. As he ran through the corridors, he found a door labeled "Explosives". He opened the door and found many illegal and powerful explosives inside. He had some guy pick out some and take them back to the ship, they would need them for later. He moved on and saw another door, "Automatic Guns" and opened it as well. He found some very powerful weapons in there and had them transported out as well. He also picked up some spare parts and had them taken back to his ship, he was going to make a custom gun. Craig went back to the explosives room, picked up one of the explosives and set it to go off as soon as his ships left. He and his friends rushed back to their ships and lifted off. Just as they went into hyperspace, the depot exploded in a firey inferno.

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* ej brodcasts a message to the other tasks forces saying that he will do the bank robbery alone and returns to the jimmy luck with all the money*


ej: mk lets go in. *the gettysburg lands in the hangar and ej dressed in old fashioned pirate garb walks to the front desk.*


front desk: hello sir how may i help u today?


ej: bring up lance's account.


front desk: sir that is private information.


ej: private information my left foot. * ej takes out a civil war navy pistol and holds it at the clerk's face.*


front desk: sir u are going to have to put that away or i will call security!!!


ej: now look, u got two options, either u bring up the account and open up the vault, or 10 of my men come in here and take down ur security and we get the money anyway.


front desk: ok sir here is his account. he has 10 million dabloons.


ej: good. now order your security to put down their weapons and put their hands where we can see them. kabeesh?


front desk: kabeesh. the vault with the money is right around there.


ej: good. thank you for seeing it my way. *ej radioes for 2 crates and crews to help load the money back to Jimmy's luck.*

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