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Hill end...


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I'm pretty pissed off because of this hill end camp and what happened there, ill tell you about it.


First off - day 1 : 11:00am


We're here, seems pretty exiting, we move our stuff to where we sleep.


11:30am : Finally here, seems like hours since we left! Beds are uncomfortable and the pillows seem to be rock solid.


12:00PM : We're going on a walk. zzzzzzzzzzz


5:00PM : We're FINALLY BACK! And the other group is cooking today....


6:00PM: Yuck, that tasted like crap, and now im bored!


9:00PM: Heading up to bed..


9:30PM: Bah, we have to stay up longer - tireeeed want to go sleep!


10:00PM: YAY BED! But I fall out of bed and hit my neck and my head - hurts ALOT.. zzzzz


Day 2 8:00AM:

My frigging neck hurts like hell.. ANOTHER WALK


3:00PM: Geez louise am I tired and does everything hurt, and we're off again on a question solving sheet! :(


6:00PM: Ahhh im so fricking tired, we cooked dinner, and it still tastes like **** and I have to wash up..


9:00PM: We start a big fire, some idiot starts walking around with a stick on fire saying "Mmm puff, can you get enough of this wonderful puff?!?" :confused: wtf was up with him


Day three - Final day 1:00AM: I need to toilet BADLY ahh holy cow, we're not allowed to go toilet at night! I run outside anyway and I look down and.. :eek: I didnt make it to the toilet!!! :(:mad: Luckily I have spare boxers and trousers and a t-shirt.


8:00AM: Woken up by teachers, for god damn sake!!!!!


9:00AM: We eat breakfast, the only nice food around this place.


12:00PM: Bored bored bored wtf am i going to do.. Ahh theres some kid in my bag!


1:00PM: Catch kid and beat him up and get my stuff back.


1:30PM: The BOYS have to clean up and do all the work while the girls don't do anything! Then we finish and the GIRLS GET TO GO HOME FIRST - it takes two trips because there is not enough people..


2:30PM: Yes the minibus is here, I get in and THE BOYS have to get the bags and carry EVERY THING, and I go in the minibus and our teacher calls my name, I didnt hear what he says so I ignore him and then he tells me off and says I am not allowed on any trips again!


And thats it folks, it pretty sucks and it was the worst trip of my life. :(

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The way you describe it I wouldn't want to go next time so count it as a blessing that you are not allowed. When I went on my trip like that it started snowing so imagine those walks in 3 feet of snow when you are a city 80 degree type of man.



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Originally posted by BigTeddyPaul

The way you describe it I wouldn't want to go next time so count it as a blessing that you are not allowed. When I went on my trip like that it started snowing so imagine those walks in 3 feet of snow when you are a city 80 degree type of man.




Yeah, but my schools closing down this year in August [Hurrah! :cool:] so there isnt much trips going on.

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I had one of those camps too. It was horrible too...glady we only stayed 2 days.


The first night i got chought by this teacher because i went to the girl section ;) and it was like 23PM. U know what the guy does? he lets me sit in this chair in the kicken, the floor is like ICE.... i was freezing. The guy made me sit there from 23 till 3.... I was so mad @ the guy i sweared like hell... i even tryed to punch him what ALMOSt made me get trown out. :D


To be simple.. camps suck



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