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New 'Indiana Jones 4' information!

Bob Gnarly

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The brand-new issue of Empire magazine (the Australian version) includes some new Indiana Jones 4 information. Here's the news article:


There's good and bad Indy IV news, folks. The good? Well, the film is still scheduled for Summer 2005, just a few weeks after George Lucas' other baby, Star Wars Episode III.


Frank Darabont's screenplay is coming along nicely, Steven Spielberg and Harrison Ford are primed, and the stunts will be top-notch. How do we know? Because Vic Armstrong, the god of stunt co-ordinators and Ford's former double, is on board. "I saw Steven at the Golden Globes," he told Empire, exclusively. "And I asked him about Indy IV, and he said 'clear your diary because we're on'."


But the bad news is that it's likely that Sallah, Indy's ebullient Egyptian sidekick, won't be returning. "I get asked this question 25 times a week, and everyone knows more than I do. I guess I'm not in it," says John Rhys-Davies, who played Sallah in Raiders Of The Lost Ark and Last Crusade.

"In truth, I'd love to work for Steven again," continues the stout yeoman. "I'd love to have one more go at Sallah, get him right. You come close, but you always want to have one last bash at trying to make the character magical."


This article comes from the brand-new June edition issue #27 of Empire magazine (the Australian version).


-source TheRaider.net


oh and by the way sallah means (roughly translated) Friend in Syrian Arabic

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