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PsykOSIth... Hindy needs you


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Hi haven`t seen you around the boards as much recently. Got a favour to ask...


Do u fancy exporting my model for me as Im running out of time to get it done, Im almost finished weighting it so just needs to be exported?


Im gonna do it anyway but wanted it done in case I fail to finish in time. Gotta finish by Wed


Cheers c ya


*PS im not gonna get offended if u say no, cheers bro*

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Boinga1: wasn`t I asking a editing question? I was asking for help, does it matter that I personalised it?


I find a lot of people including myself dont use or check PM regularly.



Psyko: Cheers, I ll finish weighting it and send a PM

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Well it seems to me that, no offense, if you direct a thread specifically to one person, then it's just as well that you use PMs to save space in the forum. If, how ever, you had simply asked for exporting assisstance, then that would have been fine. Plus, if you do a thread like this, the mods usually close it.

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