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I was just banned from an online server FOR NO REASON AT ALL! It was called:


A> Embrace of Pain <A.


I wanted to leave. So the admin did it for me. But unfortunately, he banned me. The admins name was:




Is anyone familiar with that name?


Is there a way to get a different IP address?

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I have sectioned off and bolded the relevant information, but left the rest of the log intact for examination by whomever. I realize this isn't a public matter, but he made it public, not me.


I also appologize in advance to Leemu Taos for the existence of this entire thread. Private matters should be handled privately, but the amount of flaming that occured here with no basis whatsoever demands a response of some kind. I do so as factually and unemotionally as possible.


If you want to just see the exact reasons he was removed you can scroll down to the bottom of the message for a summary.



JeanLuc = The Bartender





broadcast: print "^1The ^4Bartender^7 @@@PLENTER\n"

ClientBegin: 2

tell: Legolas to ^2Averron: yea

say: ^2Averron:% its reborn/acrobat

^2Averron^7: its reborn/acrobat

tell: Legolas to ^2Averron: if thats cool with you

say: ^1The ^4Bartender:% Hi!

^1The ^4Bartender^7: Hi!

say: ^2Averron:% hey

^2Averron^7: hey



say: Legolas:% yay i like blue

Legolas^7: yay i like blue




tell: ^2Averron to Legolas: ok play bartended get practice

say: ^1The ^4Bartender:% For no reason, there was a problem while loading the AFL server...

^1The ^4Bartender^7: For no reason, there was a problem while loading the AFL server...

tell: Legolas to ^2Averron: these built in to base or are they part of omni?

tell: ^2Averron to Legolas: built in

tell: Legolas to ^2Averron: right he wont duel me

tell: Legolas to ^2Averron: lets train i guess?

tell: ^2Averron to Legolas: k whatever




say: ^2Averron:% cmere

^2Averron^7: cmere

say: ^2Averron:% do this...

^2Averron^7: do this...




say: ^1The ^4Bartender:% ...Any way, I downloaded BespinAFLStyle 3, and I got it right and everything, and it wouldn't load the server! I downloaded the level!

^1The ^4Bartender^7: ...Any way, I downloaded BespinAFLStyle 3, and I got it right and everything, and it wouldn't load the server! I downloaded the level!

say: ^2Averron:% mmmk

^2Averron^7: mmmk

tell: ^2Averron to Legolas: try him now

say: ^1The ^4Bartender:% Nope.

^1The ^4Bartender^7: Nope.

say: Legolas:% you here to play or jump around?

Legolas^7: you here to play or jump around?

say: ^2Averron:% cause the idling thing

^2Averron^7: cause the idling thing

say: ^2Averron:% isnt allowed

^2Averron^7: isnt allowed

say: ^2Averron:% takes up my bandwidth

^2Averron^7: takes up my bandwidth

say: ^1The ^4Bartender:% Ask for a solution for my problem.

^1The ^4Bartender^7: Ask for a solution for my problem.




Client 201 connecting with 525 challenge ping

ClientConnect: 3

broadcast: print "====)---^1-------------^7 @@@PLCONNECT\n"




say: ^2Averron:% oh nok

^2Averron^7: oh nok

say: Legolas:% what problem?

Legolas^7: what problem?

say: ^2Averron:% get off 56k

^2Averron^7: get off 56k

say: ^2Averron:% there ya go

^2Averron^7: there ya go

say: Legolas:% heh

Legolas^7: heh




say: Legolas:% mmmm sunkist soda

Legolas^7: mmmm sunkist soda

Admin: ^2Averron empowered ^2Averron

say: Legolas:% lol

Legolas^7: lol

ClientBegin: 3




say: ^1The ^4Bartender:% I downloaded the map called 'BespinAFLStyle3' because I wanted to join the AFL server and I won't load!

^1The ^4Bartender^7: I downloaded the map called 'BespinAFLStyle3' because I wanted to join the AFL server and I won't load!





broadcast: print ">>>>>>-------------------^7 @@@PLENTER\n"

ClientBegin: 3




say: ^1The ^4Bartender:% it*

^1The ^4Bartender^7: it*

tell: ^2Averron to Legolas: its

Item: 3 item_shield_sm_instant

Item: 3 item_shield_sm_instant

say: Legolas:% is this the AFL help server?

Legolas^7: is this the AFL help server?



A few minutes later....



say: ^1The ^4Bartender:% I just need a solution. That's all.

^1The ^4Bartender^7: I just need a solution. That's all.




tell: ^2Averron to Legolas: interesting

tell: Legolas to ^2Averron: it looks like kyle to me

tell: ^2Averron to Legolas: needs work but it will do




tell: Legolas to ^2Averron: can i switch back and try to fight >>>>>>>>

tell: ^2Averron to Legolas: yes

say: ^1The ^4Bartender:% Riiiiiight.

^1The ^4Bartender^7: Riiiiiight.

tell: Legolas to ^2Averron: does this kid think this is an AFL help server or some ****?

tell: ^2Averron to Legolas: dunno

say: ^1The ^4Bartender:% What's the big idea?

^1The ^4Bartender^7: What's the big idea?

tell: Legolas to ^2Averron: does it look like kyle on mine cause i dont have the model?

tell: ^2Averron to Legolas: go play that dude that saber guy

tell: ^2Averron to Legolas: yes

tell: Legolas to ^2Averron: ok wtf

say: ^1The ^4Bartender:% TO THE PAD!

^1The ^4Bartender^7: TO THE PAD!

tell: ^2Averron to Legolas: go after him

Item: 3 item_medpac

say: ^1The ^4Bartender:% Good fight!

^1The ^4Bartender^7: Good fight!

say: ^1The ^4Bartender:% Good fight!

^1The ^4Bartender^7: Good fight!




Item: 0 item_shield_sm_instant

broadcast: print "Legolas @@@PLDUELACCEPT >>>>>>-------------------!\n"




say: ^1The ^4Bartender:% Turn the jetpack on!

^1The ^4Bartender^7: Turn the jetpack on!




Kill: 0 3 3: Legolas killed >>>>>>------------------- by MOD_SABER

broadcast: print ">>>>>>-------------------^7 @@@DISCONNECTED\n"

ClientDisconnect: 3




say: Legolas:% gf

Legolas^7: gf

say: ^1The ^4Bartender:% <fart>

^1The ^4Bartender^7: <fart>

say: Legolas:% .....

Legolas^7: .....

say: ^2Averron:% lol obe of those bastards

^2Averron^7: lol obe of those bastards

broadcast: print "Legolas @@@PLDUELACCEPT ^1The ^4Bartender!\n"

say: ^2Averron:% I hate those

^2Averron^7: I hate those




Sending heartbeat to masterjk2.ravensoft.com

Sending heartbeat to clanservers.net

Sending heartbeat to master0.gamespy.com




Kill: 2 0 3: ^1The ^4Bartender killed Legolas by MOD_SABER

say: ^1The ^4Bartender:% GF

^1The ^4Bartender^7: GF

say: Legolas:% gf

Legolas^7: gf

say: Legolas:% again

Legolas^7: again

say: ^1The ^4Bartender:% WOW! I beat someone!

^1The ^4Bartender^7: WOW! I beat someone!

tell: Legolas to ^2Averron: did you ****ing see that

tell: Legolas to ^2Averron: goddamnit

tell: Legolas to ^2Averron: he's liek uber noob

tell: Legolas to ^2Averron: and i frelling lost

Item: 0 item_shield_sm_instant

say: ^1The ^4Bartender:% LOL

^1The ^4Bartender^7: LOL

Kill: 2 2 34: ^1The ^4Bartender killed ^1The ^4Bartender by MOD_FALLING

tell: Legolas to ^2Averron: god

tell: Legolas to ^2Averron: ghey as hell

tell: Legolas to ^2Averron: pissing me off frankly




tell: Legolas to ^2Averron: jesus christ there is like an *** of dirt on the pads on my mouse




say: Legolas:% OK STOP

Legolas^7: OK STOP

tell: ^2Averron to Legolas: what?

tell: Legolas to ^2Averron: read all the stuff i wrote

say: ^1The ^4Bartender:% Nah.

^1The ^4Bartender^7: Nah.

say: Legolas:% ok

Legolas^7: ok


say: Legolas:% so why are you here?

Legolas^7: so why are you here?

tell: ^2Averron to Legolas: ping doesnt help

tell: Legolas to ^2Averron: yea all he was tryin gto do was rdfa me

say: ^2Averron:% we simply do not allow people to idle in here

^2Averron^7: we simply do not allow people to idle in here

tell: Legolas to ^2Averron: and he kept not doing it too

say: ^1The ^4Bartender:% To hang around when I can't get to the AFL server. Kind of an alternative.

^1The ^4Bartender^7: To hang around when I can't get to the AFL server. Kind of an alternative.




tell: Legolas to ^2Averron: ok watch what i do thsi is what he was doing

Item: 1 item_shield_sm_instant

Item: 1 item_shield_sm_instant




say: ^1The ^4Bartender:% But you guys aren't doing anything, either!

^1The ^4Bartender^7: But you guys aren't doing anything, either!

say: ^2Averron:% I thought legolas was trying to fight

^2Averron^7: I thought legolas was trying to fight

say: ^2Averron:% if not, he should be

^2Averron^7: if not, he should be

say: ^2Averron:% duel

^2Averron^7: duel

say: Legolas:% yea ive challenged a duel like 15times dude

Legolas^7: yea ive challenged a duel like 15times dude

say: Legolas:% dont say im not doing anything

Legolas^7: dont say im not doing anything

say: ^2Averron:% ok well he should accept now

^2Averron^7: ok well he should accept now

broadcast: print "Legolas @@@PLDUELACCEPT ^1The ^4Bartender!\n"




Sending heartbeat to masterjk2.ravensoft.com

Sending heartbeat to clanservers.net

Sending heartbeat to master0.gamespy.com




say: ^1The ^4Bartender:% Hold on...

^1The ^4Bartender^7: Hold on...

say: ^1The ^4Bartender:% Just needed to turn EAX off.

^1The ^4Bartender^7: Just needed to turn EAX off.

say: ^1The ^4Bartender:% K. I'm ready.


^1The ^4Bartender^7: K. I'm ready.

Item: 1 item_shield_sm_instant

Item: 1 item_shield_sm_instant

Kill: 0 2 3: Legolas killed ^1The ^4Bartender by MOD_SABER

say: Legolas:% gf

Legolas^7: gf

say: ^1The ^4Bartender:% gf

^1The ^4Bartender^7: gf




tell: ^2Averron to Legolas: not the way to win but GJ

tell: Legolas to ^2Averron: why not way to win

tell: Legolas to ^2Averron: explain

tell: ^2Averron to Legolas: anyone else

tell: ^2Averron to Legolas: would have handed you your ass

tell: Legolas to ^2Averron: yea

tell: ^2Averron to Legolas: dfa's are not good

tell: Legolas to ^2Averron: thats why i did it

tell: ^2Averron to Legolas: just try to avoid them at all costs

say: Legolas:% cause i knew he couldnt

Legolas^7: cause i knew he couldnt

tell: Legolas to ^2Averron: ok

tell: ^2Averron to Legolas: cause if u start winning with them against guys like him

tell: Legolas to ^2Averron: ill do it as habit

tell: Legolas to ^2Averron: yea

tell: ^2Averron to Legolas: then when u play somenone like xem




say: ^1The ^4Bartender:% Something you'd like to share with me?

^1The ^4Bartender^7: Something you'd like to share with me?

tell: Legolas to ^2Averron: this is true

say: ^2Averron:% not really

^2Averron^7: not really

say: ^2Averron:% hence the private chat

^2Averron^7: hence the private chat

broadcast: print "^1The ^4Bartender @@@PLDUELACCEPT Legolas!\n"

broadcast: print "@@@PLDUELSTOP\n"

say: ^1The ^4Bartender:% Oops.

^1The ^4Bartender^7: Oops.

Kill: 2 2 34: ^1The ^4Bartender killed ^1The ^4Bartender by MOD_FALLING

say: ^2Averron:% legolas dont forget the threes

^2Averron^7: legolas dont forget the threes

say: ^2Averron:% hah oops my ASS buddy

^2Averron^7: hah oops my ASS buddy

say: ^2Averron:% dont do that again

^2Averron^7: dont do that again

say: ^1The ^4Bartender:% Sorry!

^1The ^4Bartender^7: Sorry!

tell: Legolas to ^2Averron: yea thats what i was trying to do

say: ^2Averron:% thanks

^2Averron^7: thanks

say: ^1The ^4Bartender:% I didn't mean to!

^1The ^4Bartender^7: I didn't mean to!

tell: Legolas to ^2Averron: god this guy is spastic

say: ^2Averron:% looked like you meant to from here

^2Averron^7: looked like you meant to from here

tell: ^2Averron to Legolas: adjacents

broadcast: print "Legolas @@@PLDUELACCEPT ^1The ^4Bartender!\n"




Sending heartbeat to masterjk2.ravensoft.com

Sending heartbeat to clanservers.net

Sending heartbeat to master0.gamespy.com




Kill: 0 2 3: Legolas killed ^1The ^4Bartender by MOD_SABER

say: ^1The ^4Bartender:% gf

^1The ^4Bartender^7: gf

say: Legolas:% gf

Legolas^7: gf

tell: Legolas to ^2Averron: ok i woul dbe better off playing a bot

say: ^2Averron:% brilliant tactic of standing next to each other and beating the f- out of e/o

^2Averron^7: brilliant tactic of standing next to each other and beating the f- out of e/o

Item: 0 item_shield_sm_instant

say: Legolas:% heh

Legolas^7: heh

say: ^1The ^4Bartender:% LOL

^1The ^4Bartender^7: LOL

say: ^1The ^4Bartender:% WTF did I do?

^1The ^4Bartender^7: WTF did I do?




Admin: ^2Averron used aminfo

Admin: ^2Averron used aminfo

Admin: ^2Averron used aminfo

Admin: ^2Averron used aminfo

Admin: ^2Averron used aminfo

Admin: ^2Averron used aminfo

Admin: ^2Averron used aminfo

broadcast: print "Legolas @@@PLDUELACCEPT ^1The ^4Bartender!\n"

say: ^2Averron:% good

^2Averron^7: good

Kill: 0 2 3: Legolas killed ^1The ^4Bartender by MOD_SABER

say: ^2Averron:% good

^2Averron^7: good

say: ^1The ^4Bartender:% gf

^1The ^4Bartender^7: gf

say: Legolas:% gf

Legolas^7: gf

Item: 0 item_shield_sm_instant

Item: 0 item_shield_sm_instant




say: ^1The ^4Bartender:% We duel like, 4 times already!

^1The ^4Bartender^7: We duel like, 4 times already!

say: ^1The ^4Bartender:% dueled*

^1The ^4Bartender^7: dueled*



say: ^1The ^4Bartender:% I must take my leave.

^1The ^4Bartender^7: I must take my leave.

say: ^2Averron:% good

^2Averron^7: good

say: ^2Averron:% let me help

^2Averron^7: let me help

Admin: ^2Averron used aminfo

Admin: ^2Averron used aminfo

Admin: ^2Averron used aminfo

Admin: ^2Averron used aminfo

Admin: ^2Averron used aminfo

Admin: ^2Averron used aminfo

Admin: ^2Averron used aminfo

Admin: ^2Averron banned ^1The ^4Bartender

Banning player number 2ip: print "^1The ^4Bartender^7 @@@WAS_KICKED\n"

ClientDisconnect: 2




- Bartended comes into the game.


- Bartender asks some random question about a clan server and a map he got that somehow isn't working.


- Bartender jumps around for a while doing nothing and is warned that idling isn't allowed, and the reason for this is that it takes up the admin's bandwidth unnecessarily.


- Bartender repeats his question.


- Bartender plays Legolas a few times.


- Bartender asks for the jetpack to be turned on.


- Bartender duels Legolas and Legolas loses (Legolas is pissed).


- Bartender does more running around.


- Bartender is warned again about not idling.


- Bartender duels Legolas and Legolas wins via RDFA (I think). Averron tells him not to get used to winning duels with RDFA and why.


- Bartender asks what Averron and Legolas are talking about (actually says something like 'something I should know about?')


- Bartender is informed that private messages are meant to be private, and thats why they are beign used.


- Bartender duels Legolas and intentionally jumps off the side midway through the duel. It is obvious that he meant to do so. He is warned not to do so again.


- Bartender IDLES SOME MORE despite the warnings.


- Bartender is banned.

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Originally posted by Samuel Dravis

to get a new IP you:


dialup: disconnect & reconnect

broadband: restart your computer.


hope this helps.



That just forces the admin to ban a range of IP's, in effect hurting others because of one person's actions.




Originally posted by Samuel Dravis in respons to "Another snotty, stupid, immature admin...sigh"

thats the truth.


Were you there? Are you omniscient?

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Originally posted by shock ~ unnamed

My question is why the **** would you want to go back to a server like that?





I hope you haven't read the log. If you have, well :rolleyes:


I mean come on. I'm sick and tired of going into servers where people are just stitting around playing with their emotes, kissing each other and REFUSING TO PLAY. This server doesn't allow people to just come in and stand around. What is the bloody point of playing a game if you don't play the game? I know there are people on this board who feel the exact same way.

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Originally posted by -=ReApEr=-

There's plently of other servers you can go to, just search for one with All seeing eye or something. Not all admins are muppets. :)


Same goes for you except I'll add this.



If you haven't read the relevant information, do so. Its absolutely atrocious how you people pop into a thread, read one thing, and then cant wait to spew whatever it is YOU have to say.





Reaper - "muppets"

wassup and Samuel Dravis - "snotty, stupid, immature admin"




Would you fine human beings PLEASE continue throwing around baseless insults in the face of your own ignorance! [/sarcasm]

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the guy came on, was obviously new, asked a few questions, played a few duels, asked a few more questions (new people tend to do this) and you got your panties in a wad and booted him.


your server, fine do as you wish but just judging by the fact that you seem to be flipping out over this and a few silly comments kind of makes you look a little high strung to say the least.



either way, like I said who the **** would want to be around that so I see no reason to go back because he will not find the type of server that he was looking for on yours.

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Originally posted by Samuel Dravis

to get a new IP you:


dialup: disconnect & reconnect





Originally posted by Samuel Dravis

broadband: restart your computer.


Well I dunno where you live, but here that doesn't go :) I have a static IP (that can be very handy, expecially in 1-1 multiplayer) and you can't change it by yourself... And I mailed my provider and they say they won't change it for me :(

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Originally posted by shock ~ unnamed

the guy came on, was obviously new, asked a few questions, played a few duels, asked a few more questions (new people tend to do this) and you got your panties in a wad and booted him.


your server, fine do as you wish but just judging by the fact that you seem to be flipping out over this and a few silly comments kind of makes you look a little high strung to say the least.



either way, like I said who the **** would want to be around that so I see no reason to go back because he will not find the type of server that he was looking for on yours.



In my world, when someone is warned repeated;y to stop doing something and doesn't, he's fair game. And I'm not high strung, I'm a human being, and they tend to react badly to being insulted by the likes of you.


I forgot you're a self proclaimed lamer anyway, so I dont care. :)



But thanks to your kind responses, probably everyone in his area is banned. But hey who cares, just one server out of the handful that run the mod he plays.

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Originally posted by shock ~ unnamed



only thing I claim to be is some one playing a game who does not have a 4 foot plastic saber up his ass unlike 98% of the tards "playing" jk2 these days.


go bow or /amslap someone who has less honor than you.




Read: MotD? Server rules? What rules?

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hey if you want to be a cyber nazi in your own little virtual world by all means more power to you.


I went to the jk2files.com ffa server once and after 15 minutes of listening to admins spout out around 43.9 million rules, sub rules, amended rules, old rules, new rules that were being made as I played, changed rules, I finally asked out of curiosity "what the **** am I allowed to do?" (I was slapped for excessive "whoo hooing" with Lando at one point).



Do I go back there?



If you want to run a server where everyone has to bow for 13.7 seconds exactly before they approach and address you as grand-dragon-master-sith-ninja-lord before they speak, great. I don't play on servers like that and I was simply telling the guy that he's barking up the wrong tree if he was looking for a casual place to chill and play.

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Originally posted by shock ~ unnamed

hey if you want to be a cyber nazi in your own little virtual world by all means more power to you.


I went to the jk2files.com ffa server once and after 15 minutes of listening to admins spout out around 43.9 million rules, sub rules, amended rules, old rules, new rules that were being made as I played, changed rules, I finally asked out of curiosity "what the **** am I allowed to do?" (I was slapped for excessive "whoo hooing" with Lando at one point).



Do I go back there?



If you want to run a server where everyone has to bow for 13.7 seconds exactly before they approach and address you as grand-dragon-master-sith-ninja-lord before they speak, great. I don't play on servers like that and I was simply telling the guy that he's barking up the wrong tree if he was looking for a casual place to chill and play.




OK, cool I can see that one.


We dont have THAT many rules, I think that would drive me nuts too.

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