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"Frozen" games and military installations

Dagobahn Eagle

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I read in the FAQ that SWG will be frozen (that is, you won't hear rumours about the Death Star one day and hear it's been destroyed the next week, for example), but what about Battlefields and military installations that do not matter too much to gameplay (for example military waystations or garrisons that are part of a battlefield and almost not used at all by "civilian" players. One day it's there, the next day it's gone, destroyed by Imperial stormtroopers.


Will players or NPCs be able to set up installations like I have described? I think installations in (the larger) battlefields would be a good way to "unfreeze" the action in Galaxies, without really "unfreezing" the storyline.

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Originally posted by Dagobahn Eagle

I read in the FAQ that SWG will be frozen (that is, you won't hear rumours about the Death Star one day and hear it's been destroyed the next week, for example), but what about Battlefields and military installations that do not matter too much to gameplay (for example military waystations or garrisons that are part of a battlefield and almost not used at all by "civilian" players. One day it's there, the next day it's gone, destroyed by Imperial stormtroopers.


Will players or NPCs be able to set up installations like I have described? I think installations in (the larger) battlefields would be a good way to "unfreeze" the action in Galaxies, without really "unfreezing" the storyline.


Only certain things will be frozen, and they won't even be frozen more like slowed down. The devs will decide more or less what events will happen. :)

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Some installations are static. These will always be there, every time you walk across that hill, the imperial mining complex will be there, for example.


However, there is also dynamic spawns, that can turn semi-static. These appear at first when a player trigger them (by running around, they are random and there are different tables for different areas etc.). For example, if you trigger a herd of some nefarious insect monster, and don't destroy the lair but run away, it will stay there until destroyed. It can even spread, making it eventually become a danger to all persons passing by, until it is dealth with. In the same way, both rebel and imperial military installations can occur as random spawns, and eventually turn into semi-static if not dealth with.


Military installations will eventually be free to build, as you can make entire towns. Put together a band of rebels, build a lot of military installations to guard you from imperial troopers, and you practically have a military base.



About the 'what's freezed and what not': things that carries forth the story of Star Wars is frozen. All acts by the main characters etc that would advance the timeline in the movies are freezed. Also, epic battles etc that forwards the plot won't be done. Anything but this, however, can advance at normal speed.


As long as nothing happens that should happen in Empire Strikes Back or can't happen before that (like Luke creating the Jedi Academy), all systems are go.

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Originally posted by setsuko

Some installations are static. These will always be there, every time you walk across that hill, the imperial mining complex will be there, for example.


However, there is also dynamic spawns, that can turn semi-static. These appear at first when a player trigger them (by running around, they are random and there are different tables for different areas etc.). For example, if you trigger a herd of some nefarious insect monster, and don't destroy the lair but run away, it will stay there until destroyed. It can even spread, making it eventually become a danger to all persons passing by, until it is dealth with. In the same way, both rebel and imperial military installations can occur as random spawns, and eventually turn into semi-static if not dealth with.


Military installations will eventually be free to build, as you can make entire towns. Put together a band of rebels, build a lot of military installations to guard you from imperial troopers, and you practically have a military base.


You can deffintley build cannons, mounted guns, amoured walls. Your very own PA village. It could be made famous, There is so many possibilities. :)


That's what i like about Rpgs, the endless options. :D

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The bad thing is, right now turrets etc are a battlefield perk, not a building you can build. I guess we'll have to wait for the devs to dig deeper into the creation of player made towns until we know for sure if you can truly build a impregnable fortress, though I guess about 99.9% of the players would salivate at the thought.

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Originally posted by setsuko

The bad thing is, right now turrets etc are a battlefield perk, not a building you can build. I guess we'll have to wait for the devs to dig deeper into the creation of player made towns until we know for sure if you can truly build a impregnable fortress, though I guess about 99.9% of the players would salivate at the thought.


Agreed, your pa probally get exp for fighting together, Get a certain ammount of exp you get certain bonus like turnets etc. :D

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You can go to Jabba's Palace. You can meet all the characters. You can even get missions from Luke, Jabba, and Ackbar if you have proven that you are worthy of their time. However, none of these missions can push the time setting of the game forwards into ESB. So no, you won't see Han at Jabba, since he is hunted by Jabba at this time, which means that he will be forever hunted by Jabba in SWG. But also, he will never be captured. Get what I mean?

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Yeah I get what you mean, has SOE said anything about why they have it frozen, I would rather it become like you are actually living in that world at that time, but then again I guess everyone would know what is going on and no big suprises.

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It's frozen because it is the perfect setting for a Star Wars MMORPG. I can't think of any time more interesting as a Star Wars setting than the classic era, just inbetween ANH and ESB.


The main reason for not having it frozen, undoubtly, is that if the plot moves on, where to stop it? When the plot in Star Wars starts moving in ESB, it moves pretty damn fast, and eventually, we'd be stranded in EU country. The conflict that the entire damn game lends it's name from (an Empire Divided) ends and new one starts. Imperial players would suddenly become loyalists, or followers of a local Moff, rebels would be members of the New Republic, we'd have outer galaxy invaders, jedi academies and... and...


...as you might notice, my opinion is that once this landslide starts, it just gets worse. When things starts to move, how can you excuse the movement to suddenly stop? Basically, the devs would have to remake the entire game when the plot demands it. And no, I don't feel 1/100th as interested in playing in the Jedi Academy era as in the Classic era.


Taken this in consideration, a game that follows the plot throughout the movies would be impossible (unless they pretty much scrapped SWG and made a new game at the end of RotJ. And we don't like another five years in development, do we? ;))


Ah, feels good to be back and rant again.

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