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What IS penis envy?


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In the MI2 demo, when Guybrush tries to get into the mardi gras, he claims that he killed lechuck, not Elaine. The guard says, "Why would Elaine lie?"


One of the options was "Penis Envy?" but Guybrush chose to say, "Jealousy?" because as you know, the Demo is non-interactive.


Okay two questions. Firstly, what IS penis envy? Secondly, did this make it into the final game? Thirdly, if it .... wait, three questions. Thirdly, if it didn't, why not? And fourthly, wait, four questions, fourthly does it look to anybody else like the Carpenter is jacking off?

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A1: Penis envy is basically what women get because they get treated differently to men (in sexist enviroments as well as the work place, I don't agree with it myself). It basically means that women wished thay had a penis so they would be men and therefore treated like men.


A2: No, this did not make it into the final game


A3: Because these are somewhat family oriented games (with minor inuendo's) which shouldn't have the word 'penis' in it.


A4: No idea, you generally have to be in a certain frame of mind to notice something like that and i'm generally not whan playing MI.

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Originally posted by Neil Joshi

A4: No idea, you generally have to be in a certain frame of mind to notice something like that and i'm generally not whan playing MI.


I swear to god, I wasn't in that frame of mind!!! I swear!

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Yes, of course. Generally, when I play a Graphic Adventure game, I always check each character streneously to see if they're doing anything perverse. I've noticed the following:-



Herman Toothroot looks at you in a "provokative" way. This leads me to believe that an intimate moment was shared between Guybrush and Herman that was not included in the final game.



As well as the Carpenter petting his one-eyed trouser snake, LeChuck's underwear is far too easily removed at the end. This uggests that LeChuck is always prepared for some action. And not in the Indiana Jones sense, either.


CMI The Monkeys are Listening

In the "The Monkeys are Listening" sequence one of those Monkey screams is actually the mating call of a wild Monkey. I foudn this out by playing CMI on a laptop whilst at Whipsnade Zoo. You have never seen me run so fast in my life.



Pegnose Pete stinks of fish. 'Nuff said.


Of course, I'm only joking. I bet Yufster'd already discovered most of these herself, right?

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LMAO Mating call.... that's good. My sides hurt.


LMAO I found a website debating Guybrushes sexuality. They come up with evidence like, in CMI when he says, "I don't indescriminately pick up barmen" or something. Oh yeah here it is.


If you question Guybrushes sexuality, click here!



Now! They forgot the fact that Guybrushes 'walk' in MI2 looks as though he has something large and uncomfortable up his---

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