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Ultimate Star Wars v Star Trek argument

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I just kinda realized this, the first Death Star was first seen near Alderaan (we all know the results of THAT), well later on, it attack the Rebel base at Yavin. Well, that means that it had to move there..what I realized was that it had to get there pretty quickly or it would have been picked up by the Rebels through sensors or regular patrols much too early for the Empire to have a chance at destroying the Rebels...therefore it had to move through Hyperspace or some other method of speedy travel to get there...think about it, a space station "the size of a small moon" moving that fast...Deep Space 9 had trouble moving across the sector of space it was in. Take THAT Trekkies!! :p:D


p.s. yeah, I know it's probably been thought of before, but it's the first time I really thought of it that way...

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Since I'm also a Trekkie, and a Star Wars fan, I know why DS9 never moved quickly. DS9 was ment for a border between the Alpha Quadrant and the Gamma Quadron. It was also used for research. You want a small moon? Go for a Borg Cube. THEN picture the Borg Cube vs. a Death Star...though it does seem kind of one sided...


It's very confusing with the two...I keep mixing them up somewhat.

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You have to realize though, there was only 1 death star (well, 2 total...but only one 2nd DS) There are thousands of borg cubes...just a thought.



Also, a friend told me this arguement (note: this is more of a joke than seious)

Enterprize fires at Star Destroyer. Something blows up on Star Destoryer.

Star Destoryer shots at Enterprize. The bridge shakes, sparks fly.

Repeat 1,000 times or so.

Enterprize wins.:rolleyes::D

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Originally posted by Link Antilles

Well, the borg cube might stand a chance against the first death star, because it takes a long time for it's main cannon to recharge. Now, the second death star is another story.


Is that a joke?


Are you forgetting about the hundreds of thousands of surface turbolasers on the DS?


A single ISD could easily take out thousands of Borg Cubes.


The EP2 ICS says that an Acclamator's quad TL's are capable of 200 gigatons.


Since the Acclamator is mainly a troop transport, and also since the ISD is much larger it is logical to assume the ISD has much greater fire power.


As for Star Trek fire power, watch DS9's "The Die Is Cast" where the combined firepower of at leat 20 ships produces mere dust clouds on the surface of the founder's home planet.


My friends, allow me to enlighten you...

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Originally posted by Darth Homer

I just kinda realized this, the first Death Star was first seen near Alderaan (we all know the results of THAT), well later on, it attack the Rebel base at Yavin. Well, that means that it had to move there..what I realized was that it had to get there pretty quickly or it would have been picked up by the Rebels through sensors or regular patrols much too early for the Empire to have a chance at destroying the Rebels...therefore it had to move through Hyperspace or some other method of speedy travel to get there...think about it, a space station "the size of a small moon" moving that fast...Deep Space 9 had trouble moving across the sector of space it was in. Take THAT Trekkies!! :p:D


p.s. yeah, I know it's probably been thought of before, but it's the first time I really thought of it that way...


The D.S. was able to enter hyperspace, and had subluminal thrusters as well. If it couldn't move, the whole idea of the D.S. would have pretty pointless. It could blow up the planets around it... Then what?


As for DS9, it could only move at subluminal speeds, this was mentioned in one of the early episodes, can't recall the name right now.

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Originally posted by JediMasterEd

Since I'm also a Trekkie, and a Star Wars fan, I know why DS9 never moved quickly. DS9 was ment for a border between the Alpha Quadrant and the Gamma Quadron. It was also used for research. You want a small moon? Go for a Borg Cube. THEN picture the Borg Cube vs. a Death Star...though it does seem kind of one sided...


It's very confusing with the two...I keep mixing them up somewhat.


The Borg Cube is hardly a small moon. If you watched FC, you'd see that one side was only about 3-4 times the length of the E-E.

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Originally posted by krkode

Not that I follow Star Trek or Star Wars, or anything, but why do people consider following this stuff to not be a hobby?:rolleyes: It is, after all, just something to do, like collecting coins/stamps/butterflies...:o


Exactly, I don't see why sebating SW vs ST can't be considered a hobby. Even though the debate is pretty much over. SW clearly wins.

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Originally posted by Clefo

I aim to please, dateless loser ;)


Notice how he takes the first opportunity he can to call me a dateless loser. Looks like someone's a bit insecure.


I seem to remember a certain geeky photo you posted of yourself way back in the early days of this board. And I'm a dateless loser? Riiiiiiiiiiight. :cool:

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Originally posted by Clefo

Oooh, you've made it personal.. So I think I'll take a nap..


(Lighten up dude ;), I always find debates like this unintentionally funny)


EDIT: Dateless loser I am not


Regardless of whether you find it funny or not, the post where you said SW vs ST being was a stupid hobby but didn't bother to say why it was a stupid hobby was trollish behaviour.

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Originally posted by Darth Homer

Whoa there, guys, I didn't mean to start a flame war here...keep this up and I'll have to hurt Eets. :p




LISTEN TO THE MAN, DAMMIT!!!!:crybaby: :crybaby:

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Originally posted by observer_20000

Regardless of whether you find it funny or not, the post where you said SW vs ST being was a stupid hobby but didn't bother to say why it was a stupid hobby was trollish behaviour.


Well, I would have to say that pointing this out and arguing with him the way you have been can be seen as equally trollish...so he said something you didn't like, let it go...





that's one hit on Eets, wanna go for more? :p


now really, you guys stop or I'll either get Rhett to close this thread or I'll just delete it.

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