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Atmospheric phenomenon?

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Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit

Note: this computer is a Dell, and that Dell commercial kid was busted for buying pot recently (my!) I suspect a connection.

Dell: the official computer of stoners everywhere. Duuuuude!


I have 2. :joy:

What does this say about me??? ;)


Actually, this would technically be my 3rd Dell, but the first one has left my possesion at this point.

We have one at work by the soundboard running our RTA program, and that will act as offline control of our digitally controlled mixing desk when we get it.


I have solved all my Dell support issues by going here: http://forums.us.dell.com/supportforums/

Quicker than getting on the phone, and you usually get better answers.

You might actually see me there. Due to extreme laziness of thought, I am also known as edlib there as well.


And if you weren't aware, Jem is an international playboy millionare secret agent and hired killer, posing as a guitar happy college student,... but don't say anything! We don't want to blow his cover to... uhhh... oops.



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Actually, Jem is a time-traveling Brazilian genetics scientist who has come back in time to provide mankind with the desperately needed genome resequencing necessary to alter the species so that individuals are no longer born with their head up their ass.


Either that, or he's George Lucas' glitterstim connection. ;)

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I've seen an episode or two of the teevee series, but that was many moons ago. Never read the book. ;) You know, I get asked that a lot, and I don't really know why...


:D *My* lunacy is internally generated. I sometimes get material from a tiny blue elf named Hicklebottom who lives in the glove box in the cockpit of my land yacht, but most of his jokes are too abstract in nature to be funny for all but a small percentage of the population. Here is an example of Hicklebottom's sense of humor:


H: Knock! Knock!


Z: Aw, jeez, I'm trying to sleep...


H: Knock! Knock!


Z: *Sigh* Who is it?


H: The.


Z: The who?


H: Yes, mate. Got any kiddie porn?


Z: Hicklebottom, if you don't stop waking me up with this horsecrap, I swear to God I'll stop drinking and make you go away...


H: Sorry. I have a better one. Knock! Knock!


Z: Grrrr...Who...is...it?


H: No one.


Z: No one who? *(Absurdly long pause.)* That does it! I'm getting the sword--you hear me?



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I`m an Assassin Spy (Ass-Spy for short), but don`t tell anyone. :007:

Who do you think got rid of the Duke? Yup, that`s right.

But, during my spare times, I also do all those crazy things edlib and Zoom Lapin mentioned.

Speaking of which, edlib, I must kill you now.

I prefer the non-professional way:



Opération Lapin Fou is going well. Now you must download the file "TPE entier.rar" located here: http://membres.lycos.fr/zetorealm

I trust you are equiped with WinRAR.

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Sorry, amigo, but the file wouldn't work for me. Apparently, 'Winrar' is a notion to which my computer does not subscribe...


Besides, we've never solved the mystery of ♪. '♪tre, ou ne pas ♪tre...c'est la question.' hmm. :dozey:


Operation Lapin Fou is now operation Lapin Slopé. :D

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Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit

Besides, we've never solved the mystery of ♪. '♪tre, ou ne pas ♪tre...c'est la question.' hmm. :dozey:

Alright, that's it, you tell me right now how you made the bloody music note!! >=(


I tried the alt + 136 but all it gave me was this... ê :( ... (*sigh*) That is the question...

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Aha! Forgive me the 2 posts in a row, but the mystery has been solved. Apparently you have to type "&.#.;" without the periods. :cool:


Let's see what other combinations give:

♦ ♧ ♨ ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ ♭ ♮ ♯

♰ ♱ ♣ ♤ ♥


[edit]: Here's a useful link which lists all the special ASCII character codes:



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Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit

Z: Hicklebottom, if you don't stop waking me up with this horsecrap, I swear to God I'll stop drinking and make you go away...




"Dude, would you tell this pr*ck of a bartender that I'm not drunk."

"Gee, I'm sorry Rocko. I'd love to help, but I'm just an alcohol-induced halucination."

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, I just got back from my excellent assassinations vacations...

Lapin fou do you have Winzip? If so I will send it under that if not I simply won`t zip it and just send it. If you are still interested that is.

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