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Official Rise of Nations Thread

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Well, yesterday I got a gift certificate to Best Buy, so I decided to head over there and check out what they had. And to my surprise, yesterday was the release date for Rise of Nations. This is now the second time when I just decide to go to the store, and a game that I have been keeping my eye on just happens to release (I should check out the games more often then :D). So I decided to use my gift certificate on that.


I have read lots of previews and the game looks really awesome. Kinda new twist on RTS games. It has strong focus on both resources and military power. I am yet to play the game yet, all I have done so far is just install it and take a look at the manual.


I remember lots of people in the forums here talking about this game and wanting to buy it as well, so I thought I would make the official RoN thread for everyone playing this game. So feel free to discuss the game, mods, and reviews of it here....



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I got the demo when it was first available and didn't really like it that much although I was looking foward to this game.. To me, it's another Empire Earth with some more limits as I see it.. I do have to say on the other hand, the pace is faster than EE and happens to be less buggy, so maybe I'll have to get used to the game play of it afterall. I'll problably have to get used to the feel it of if anything.. :D


Just my two cents worth..

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Originally posted by pbguy1211

What's this "new twist on RTS games" it has?


Good question. It kinda combines a few elements from turn-based games in a RTS. First, instead of building one central base, then followed by forward command bases, you build cities. The first city being your capital. Cities can be captured and if your capital is captured, there is a short amount of time you have to retake the city or the game is lost.


There is also new ways of gathering supplies and resources. Cities can only support a max number of farms and such, so you have to expand. There are special resources that give your nation advantages, such as cotton, tobacco, aluminum, or uranium. There are about 40 I believe. They do thinks like reduce the cost of certain units, increase the gather rate of food, commerce, or the rate at which units or buildings are created, or the rate to research technology.


There is also a concept of nation borders. As you grow, so do your borders. When armies enter into another nations territory, they slowly take damage, unless they are backed with supply line carts and what not.


There are some other features that are new and added. There are going to be some people that hate them, and some people that love them (just like we had when WC3 was released). It caught my eye because of the turn-based elements added and it was unquie. I dont like when all my games are exactally the same only with new unit or just better graphics.


Its definitly worth a look at. I know there were lots of people excited about this title for a long time. I remember taking note of checking it out when it was first being talked about. I am yet to play the game. I am looking forward to grabbing a quick game or two this evening after work.

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I just played the demo. It was really good. It was maybe a lil quick... I'll probably turn down the game speed a notch. Also, I hated the 'Wonder Win" in all other RTS games, I'm gonna see if I could turn that off... I haven't really looked into options yet.



I really like the game, I especially like having Guns and technology and kickin the computer's cave man arse :p


I'll probably ask for it for my Birthday since it's coming up :D

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*Dances* I've been playing the full game for a couple of days. *Dodges bullets* Uh-oh, Microsoft is after me...I downloaded the ISO before it came out and it is the Full Version. It's pretty good. The campaign is like a Risk board, but if you want a territory, it goes to battle mode and you have either ninety or one hundred twenty minutes to capture the enemy capital and hold the capitial for three minutes. It's a pain but it's fun. Other that that, there's no real difference between the full and the demo...sort of. There are the other civilizations but most have the same units with a few changes ones...like the Gun Samari...


*Tank appears* "There he is! Get him!"


Uh-oh...better run! *Uses Force Speed and runs away*

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it's summer...there's time to play games again finally! oh wait...*looks over beside him at the pile of homework for summer(AP Euro, AP Calculus, AP Eng, Greek II)* dang...well...I'll do it sometime maybe...anyway...ONTO GAMING!


I might grab this game. I've been thinking about it alot and I figure I will...but who knows...I've still got to beat all those games from X-mas that I wasn't able to play because I was snowed under by school...

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Finally took some time last night to play some games. I played two quick battles with this one. It was a lot of fun. Had to get used to managing different cities, but I had the AI on easy level and managed to stay way ahead of the comp in tech. I was at least 1 if not 2 ages ahead of the computer. Then I would just every now and then send an army into their terrtory and destroy lots of stuff so they would have to rebuild as I went on for the technology win. Plus I dropped 2 nucs on them that really devestated their nation. HA HA. Great game.

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