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PA hall importance

Dathan Surehand

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Well.....obviusly there will be perks.......like....backup ifyou have a grudge.......but thereis a disadvantage.......Like you said itwil take a while to properly get started....Because of ego's.......butall in alll i think in the long run you will have a huge advantag if you are in a sufficent pa......well thats all i have to say.....

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The basic advantages would be having a community to back you in anything you do. Also, most PA will want an Armorsmith say, to be around to make the best armor for all the Commando members. Also if your PA has designated a faction (Imperial/Rebel) then most likely you will be supplied with equipment and possibly soldiers, or droids to help you out.


... Also I would like to be the first to welcome you to the boards. I beat the other welcome people even though I'm new myself. :D w00t :D.

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Hehe, many new people out there, a big welcome to all of you.


Well, the PA hall cost is being tuned in the beta right now, so it's not sure how expensive it'll be. But the devs said that it was quite expensive at the moment, so that's a distinct disadvantage; it takes a lot of work to create the PA, since you have to build a hall first.


On the other hand, a PA provides you with a social network, something that is worth a lot both for the quality of your playing hours (often having friendly people around) and when it comes to having ingame advantages from having an extrensive network (get items cheap, get access to info, get access to a good and trusty backup for difficult missions, those kinda things). I think the advantages easily outweights the disadvantages, but then, it's very much up to your playing style. But if you like to chat around now and then, I can definately recommend being in a PA.

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Thanks Kwebo for the warm welcome.


Yes, I agree that PA's will certainly be a hub of sorts that will provide you backup and supplies and soforth.


I guess the important thing is to find a PA that is run exceptionally well. For now, other than being in at the beginning, I don't see any great reasons to join a PA.


As I read more on the forums, and the official site, I can see there are going to be so many huge factors that play into "who" you are other than the game itself.


i.e. Factions, PA's, cantinas, etc.

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Originally posted by dathansurehand

I don't see any great reasons to join a PA.



It gives you a good reason to fool around and joke with each other, even prior to release. Just take a look at =A=, we've been doing it for more than a year by now! ;)

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Quote: " Well, the PA hall cost is being tuned in the beta right now, so it's not sure how expensive it'll be. But the devs said that it was quite expensive at the moment, so that's a distinct disadvantage; it takes a lot of work to create the PA, since you have to build a hall first. "


That actually brings me to another question:


How do PA's anticipate starting if it costs so much?


Credits will not just appear. Will loans be available to establish PA's?


Even if a hundred people pool thier credits, it puts them at an individual disadvantage monetarily at the begining of the game.

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First of all welcome to the forums dathansurehand. :)


If you still need other reasons, it would be like a family. So many of you fighting, backing one another. :D


If you need suggestions, on which PA to join. Consider joining the =Associates=. ;)

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Yeah, a PA hall is a place where the members can get together in private. Trainers and Vendors can be put inside, and there might be rooms to stay in for logging off purposes (they haven’t said this, but I think it would be cool). You can furnish the inside to look really shnazzy too. Personally though, I will only stop into the PA hall if there is a meeting, or I'm looking for a trainer. I prefer the Cantina.

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Originally posted by Jackrabbit

Yeah, a PA hall is a place where the members can get together in private. Trainers and Vendors can be put inside, and there might be rooms to stay in for logging off purposes (they haven’t said this, but I think it would be cool). You can furnish the inside to look really shnazzy too. Personally though, I will only stop into the PA hall if there is a meeting, or I'm looking for a trainer. I prefer the Cantina.


You can also store your pets in a PA hall, so you don't lose them. :)


And store basically everything else. Also you will probally be able to put up notices on a message board, of some kind. :D

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I think now the most valuable aspect of a PA is simply the networking opportunities.


Like real life, without a good network your business willnot EXCEL. You may succeed, but without good people around you, your success will be limited.


Now do I want to be Rebel Scum or an Imperial Supporter, or maybe just nuetral?


So much really needs to be thought out as to what I want to pursue. But the truth is, it is going to be simply fun.:D

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Originally posted by dathansurehand

I think now the most valuable aspect of a PA is simply the networking opportunities.


Like real life, without a good network your business willnot EXCEL. You may succeed, but without good people around you, your success will be limited.


Now do I want to be Rebel Scum or an Imperial Supporter, or maybe just nuetral?


So much really needs to be thought out as to what I want to pursue. But the truth is, it is going to be simply fun.:D


Oh, here's a picture of a PA hall, incase none of you have seen one yet. :)



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Eeew. Guys, when we get our PA Hall, I'll do the interior decorating and interior coordinating, because frankly, that person must be colour-blind! :D


Also, everyone knows that placing irregular square objects at the walls is bad feng shui. And if there's one thing we can't have in our PA Hall, it's bad feng shui! :p

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