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Yeah, I don't worry about them anymore. But I always end up having one right between my eyes, and up about a quarter inch, like a big, glowing, greasy, oozing, starting to develop it's own gravitational pull, "Hey look at me I'm a HUGE zit!", third eye thingy. I think my skin does it to spite me. It's fun to talk to someone while they stare at your forehead.

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Originally posted by Reborn Outcast

You wanna know what sucks worse than zits?... COLD SORES!!! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH I have one right now and it's a pain in the ass. It hurts to.

Dude, I'm pretty sure that having a herpes outbreak sucks worse then most things. But, on a humerous note, this has got to be the first time I've seen someone use herpes to trump someone else's suffering.
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*hears word zit and cowers in corner*


I hate zits, i am 15 and in the bastard zits from hell stage. i have them on my forehead cheecks and some on my neck. i just shave them off, and stupidly put after shave on. so that what burning pain is like...... i am just lucky i dont have alot of them

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