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Monkey Island I und II

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  • 3 weeks later...

Comming to an English forum and start talking in your own language, not even excusing your self is quite rude if you ask me.

If you are not able to talk english in anyway, go to school and stop skipping english, if your to young or old ask your parrents or take an evening class, now i know those are not to hard to find in germany.


No offence though


but comeon are MI1 and MI2 still not freeware like many other old games, there is not a store in my country that actually sells games that old, and buying from the web is tricky and dangarous. a credit card is not a good way of purchasing stuff.

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Some people simply cannot speak english as well as you can.


And MI1 and 2 are not freeware considering they can still make some money out of them. Therefore, downloading it would be illeagela nd i see no other way of getting it rather than the internet which isn't all that risky if you used respected sites like amazon and so on.

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thats why i say: one planet one language. this times will come either.



ps. english is widespread. and why not come together using english. so at least schokogrinser, youve could have tried it! (is ja ooch nich so schwer oder?????) but no one has to appologize for not knowing something. this is kind of stupid and far from year 2003 dudes. its like shouting a child for not knowing the world. (its just like an example)

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Since I dont speak German, and can't be ar$ed translating, am I right in thinking this guy wants passwords for MI1 and MI2?


First thing, there are loads of copies of the MI1+MI2 double pack floating around on Ebay, and probably even more copies of the MI1/MI2/MI3 Bounty Pack.


The double pack MI1+MI2 doesn't have any codes, I'd be willing to send this guy a copy if he could prove he had the originals....but is this ethical and does it meet with the approval of you guys?

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where is the problem? if i type in "Monkey Island" at google and google for it ..


within seconds there are dozens of pages where you can legally get your own copy of MI X..


i never lost a codewheel etc. because

i never have made NO copy if it (Codewheel).

and i always lend a copy of the copy to friends..




so where is the prob? dont wanna spend money, eh? .. tse.

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Originally posted by bgbennyboy

No it doesnt¬


But what if this guy really does have a legal copy of the games? Surely he shouldn't be deprived of playing them!?


...but saying that, Ray is right, there's loads of places to buy them on the net, and its not as though they're too expensive.....

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Thought you might be able to :) , I'd imagine they take a good few weeks to send the code wheel out though :confused:


Not to worry. While I'm at it though, what's everyones views on dodgy copied software? Personally I've not totally against it up to a point. I've always been against the sort of people who have huge libraries of pirated games, but I have to admit to often owning a few copies now and then....


....in fact, back in the dark old days, before I understood point and click adventures, I got hold of a copy of The Secret of Monkey Island, as I'd heard of it, but wasn't sure whether it would be my cup of tea. I played it, and was entranced. I went out the next day and bought it.


I did a similar thing with Lechucks Revenge. The local games store sold out by the time I got there, and I was too impatient to wait a couple of days, so I made a copy of a friends disks, then bought the original a week later.....


....is that really so bad? Do I deserve stringing up as an example to my fellow man

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  • 3 weeks later...

Um die Passwortabfrage zum umgehen, besorgst du dir erst mal ScummVM. Das Programm emuliert die SCUMM-Engine älterer Adventures von LucasArts. Wenn du das benutzt, brauchst du die Spiele nicht mehr zu installieren. Am besten, du guckst mal in der ReadMe nach...

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So geht das nicht!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ScummVM ermöglicht es diese Spiele auf neueren Systemen zu spielen. Es wäre doch eine tolle Sache die Hersteller dieser tollen Spiele zu UNTERSTÜTZEN indem man diese Spiele KAUFT.


Buy it!!!


:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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