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Spying within factions?

Dathan Surehand

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How do you think espionage will be handled? If you declare yourself Imperial, but are spying for the Rebels, will that effect your faction points, or rating? I can only imagine sabotage could be a vital weapon, but it could also be difficult if the game automatically tracks points alloted for faction affiliation. Hook me up info-Gods.

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Originally posted by wraag

Spying between PA's Is possible since anyone can join a PA, and this will probly happen..THis is were PA bounty hunters might come in handy And track some suspicious characters


Well the Pa im in, the Associates. Has a whole BH group, we will deffintley hunt all the suspicious in our Pa. :D

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I think spying would be AWESOME. Whenever I play games where you can develope your character I am always a stealthy, spying type of character, so I think spying would be amazing. Sneaking around the Emperial offices under-cover. One approaches you and asks for identification....luckily you bagged the guy down the hall and took his I.D. and you masked your appearance. Phew...your heart beggins beating again....and you continue down the hall......I love it.

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Yeah, it will be interesting to see how they incorporate a spying element into SWG. But it seems like you will have to fashion your "spy" out of other skill trees..


Anyone have any good ideas as to what type of actual skills from the known skill trees would assist in building a spy?:dude1:

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I haven't the slightest idea. BUT!, I'm sure when the NDA is lifted there will be tons of custom made professions made from other proffession....another cool aspect of the game seeing how you can get whatever you want from any skill tree as long as you fill the requirments...so maybe when the NDA is lifted I will ponder a new profession.

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