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Making a mod its own standalone game?


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Okie, I dunno who wil be able to answer this but if any game developers, programmers view this site they will probally be able to answer this question. For my computer class I made a tc mod for outcast. This mod has nothing to do with star wars what so ever, and would only mean something to someone who lives in my home town and goes to one of the catholic schools. Well the mod got a name for its self and allot of people want to play it however dont want to go out and buy outcast. My question is, does anyone know how to take a tc mod for a game, and make it into its own standalone game?????? Any and all help is very much appreciated, thanks to all who have help in the past, and taken the time to even read this. Thanks in advance.

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sorry. that's the nature of the modding business. you have to have the game that hosts it, so your friends are going to have to purchase the game (if they want to be legal about it).


Fortunately, there's always eBay , Half.com, and Amazon - prices look pretty reasonable through those resources if they want to buy a used copy...


Hope this helps...

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Its not illegal to make your own video games, trust me I looked into that allready. Also if I made it, and had it copyrighted in my name, its my mod, not the host games. This mod can work on more then just outcast. I did that so more people could get it then those who just have outcast. However there should be away I can go make my own scripts and use a 3D engine to make it my own game.

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You used the source code of JK2MP as the base of your mod. This makes parts of it belong to LucasArts. Also, if you bother to read the EULA, you are not allowed to make profit of those mods that you make, without a permission of the game publisher.


No, you can't take the mod and make an engine for it then run it in the engine. You would have to first make the engine

Then code the whole "mod" from scratch, using 0 of provided code. Technically, you are not allowed to look at the JK2MP source either. Then you can sell it.

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ASk is correct. If you want to be able to give a standalone version of your game to other people, you can't use any of JK2's engine or qvm code in your game. You'd need to create or find an engine that had a open license that allows you to distribute it freely.

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sheesh. you don't have to get huffy. we're trying to help you out here!


Anyway, if that was what you needed to know in the first place, you should have asked it in a way that would produce the correct answer, like "Are there any free 3D game engines available to create a game with?"


obviously more than one of us got the wrong impression from your original post, but whatever. I'm glad you were able to find what you're looking for, and I hope your project works out well!


Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!



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Dang, that's a lot of money...


If you're looking for who created the quake 3 engine I believe it was ID software?

ALSO!!!! (edit)

Take a look here, one of my friends found this site and it is very interesting...


Probably would require some more modding than JO would but 1500 polygons on those friggin models? Jesus! They look like 4-5k easy... And the movie, if I can find it... Jeese that things is really neat.

Looky here:


And here!


Well just a suggestion... I believe it says 900 something per year... Not sure if it's a pound sign or not. But this appears to be a top notch engine, and you probably wouldn't be able to get anything near it for a long time. (Half life 2 and Doom 3 probably won't be selling their engines for a while if I had to guess...)

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I've already checked into this stuff a while ago.


Unfortunately, all the major engines (Lithtech, Q3, Unreal) require HUNDREDs of thousands of dollars to get an license.


There are other alternatives thou. I beleive the Q2 and Q1 engine sources are now open source. I don't know the details of their liscenses but it would probably be ok as long as you don't charge anything for the game. This would probably be the easiest to learn as the quake engine series was all created by the same team.


As for Crytek, their website states that they're only interested in professional game designer licensing and will only provide details if you sign an NDA in advance.


If you're actually willing to pay money for a game engine, I suggest you check out the Torque system by http://www.garagegames.com. It's the same engine that ran Tribes 2, only costs $100 per programmer, has a very open license, and has large community support. It's obviously not the Unreal Tech engine but it's got a whole lot of bang for your buck. However, it's signicantly different in design than Q3, but you could say that about every engine not Quake based. :)

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Originally posted by razorace

I suggest you check out the Torque system by http://www.garagegames.com. It's the same engine that ran Tribes 2, only costs $100 per programmer, has a very open license, and has large community support. It's obviously not the Unreal Tech engine but it's got a whole lot of bang for your buck.


That was the one I was thinking of... but I couldn't remember the name! Thanks, razorace!


You could also purchase the new LaMothe book and write your own! No guarranties expressed or implied... :D

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Thanks guys, Iver personally been looking at the A6 Engine from 3D game studio, and the Genisis engine. Looks like it maybe my best bet. then again so does 3D rad. Another neat thing is the levels can be made in GTKRadient. Like just the brushes and no textures unless there yours, and no scripts. works great.

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What's wrong with signing an NDA? All you have to do is not say anything :)

I would take a look, they probably wouldn't care as long as you payed them.


Is that 900 deutsche marks or euros or pounds or what? It's .de so I think it would be deutsche marks?

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Originally posted by Andur_Sunrider

Thanks guys, Iver personally been looking at the A6 Engine from 3D game studio, and the Genisis engine. Looks like it maybe my best bet. then again so does 3D rad. Another neat thing is the levels can be made in GTKRadient. Like just the brushes and no textures unless there yours, and no scripts. works great.


Ok, I guess I forgot to mention that one. I don't really consider it a 3D engine as it's been user-friendisized for novices. But, it's up to you. :)


Originally posted by babywax

What's wrong with signing an NDA? All you have to do is not say anything :)


Nothing, it just means you can't communicated with other buyers to see what the asking price was. IE you could get ripped off.

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The Quake and Quake II engines are completely open source now. You can also legally sell anything you do with it, you are however, required to release the source code for it if you do so though. So it's basicly a free license with those, which is really nice.

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