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Thanks for the heads-up Swat. I was beginning to wonder if we'd be able to walk around inside that Sand Crawler. One thing I always wanted to do in JK was get inside an AT-AT walker and just look around, so I'm glad we'll be able to explore large vehicles this time around. :thumbsup:


As for the rest of the article, it seems to be mostly the same old stuff, but they do confirm being able to use the saber in combination with different Force powers. And they've reiterated the enhanced models and level design, so I think they're trying to stress that the engine has moved on quite a bit since JO.

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I just knew you'd say something like that, Gonk :p:D



Thanks for the heads-up, Swat - it's little bits of info like this that keep me from running of into the sunset with Rhett and his Elves :)



*goes off to ponder what exploring inside a Sandcrawler might be like...*

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Originally posted by Emon

10,000? For player models? Where'd you hear that?


In this article :D


In the Tatooine level, "All the rock structures look smoother and more natural. There's a much higher level of detail." Eyeballing it up close, we're inclined to agree. The average character in JK2 consisted of 10,000 polygons; this time around, that figure's been doubled.


So in JA it's 20,000??? Pffff :rolleyes:

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i think there might be one to many zeros in there somewhere....:D


i like those new screenshots (although i expect they are only new to me), especially the hoth and tatooine crash ones.


The 1st one with the snow creature looks odd though.


the sandcrawler is something we were asking for ages ago, and sounds really cool.



Im still a bit worried about this Rancor level though, sounds like one of those levels where you fail if all the prisoners die. I hate levels where it just suddenly says "you have failed". You should get rewards based on how many you save, but if they all die then fine... but don't make me restart the level if i don't want to.

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Originally posted by toms

Im still a bit worried about this Rancor level though, sounds like one of those levels where you fail if all the prisoners die. I hate levels where it just suddenly says "you have failed". You should get rewards based on how many you save, but if they all die then fine... but don't make me restart the level if i don't want to.


I agree, especially if the AI of those ppl you have to protect is bad :( But in this mission, whats the point in NOT rescuing prisoners. You should be required to save at leats a couple of them :D


Oh and I think that maybe to save the prisoners, you only have to kill the rancor and the guards and they'll be safe for then. In JO I didn't have any problems with saving the prisoners either, so I think Raven will be able to work it out!

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