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Tokkos Ge'she

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Just wanted to ask some questions about the game if its ok.


1:Is there no accurate release date because all i can find is Fall of 2003 but its fall now so will they tell us the release date acouple of days before its released or what?


2:How does The lightsaber costomising work?

Do u select parts or??


3:How may players will it be in MP?And how many on X-box?

will it be 4 or 2 players?


4:Will it work with X-box live?


Thats all.

Thank you :)

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Greetings and welcome to the forums. I'd like to strongly suggest you browse around, because all of your questions (and more!) are answered in many of the threads here.


- There is no 'official' release date other than Fall 2003. Date speculation is basically 'before Christmas' ... mid-September to mid-November are dates being thrown about.


- They have said that you choose the blade color and hilt for your saber. You also can end up with two sabers or a double-bladed saber later in the game.


- MP on PC will likely have the normal Q3 limits of 16 / 32 players. I have no idea about #'s for XBox live.


- Yes, it will support XBox live (so they've said.)



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Welcome to the forums, and I hope you really enjoy your stay. :)


Originally posted by Tokkos Ge'she


Just wanted to ask some questions about the game if its ok.


1:Is there no accurate release date because all i can find is Fall of 2003 but its fall now so will they tell us the release date acouple of days before its released or what?


I think you may be under a misconception here. It is the beginning of Summer, not Fall. Fall is the equivalent of Autumn, which will not start until September, and lasts to the end of November. :) As yet there is no firm date for the game's release, but expect an announcement closer to September on that score.


2:How does The lightsaber costomising work?

Do u select parts or??


You pick the lightsaber handle, and the colour of the blade. We don't know yet exactly which colours or how many different types of handles will be among the choices.


3:How may players will it be in MP?And how many on X-box?

will it be 4 or 2 players?


On the PC, it is probably going to be similar to JO, and allow up to 32 players in MP games. That is yet to be confirmed, however.


As for X-Box, I'm sorry, but I can't help you with either of your X-Box related questions. :(


Feel free to join in with the discussions, and don't let some of the regulars frighten you away. :D;)

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Well Thank you all :)

And im sorry if i asked questions that have already been asked and in future i will browse and look if someone else has asked the same :)


:*( Just makes me sad when i first thought it would come out soon but now i hear not untill after summer :(

I was all jumpy and waiting for it like visiting lucasarts 24/7 trying to see if theres a release date but i guess i can wait.


Also when the release date is given out will there be any email notification?



Thank you :)

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Originally posted by boinga1

You mean December, right? :D


No, I mean November. Winter starts in December and lasts through until the end of February. Spring starts in March. :rolleyes:


Tokkos...I think the only way you will get email notification for the game's release is if you sign up to become a Lucasarts member, and subscribe to their newsletter or something. :)

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Originally posted by StormHammer

No, I mean November. Winter starts in December and lasts through until the end of February. Spring starts in March. :rolleyes:


Sorry to have to disagree with you here Stormhammer (we seem to agree on so much ;) ) but 'Winter' officially begins December 21st, just as Fall begins September 21st and Summer June 21st and Spring March 21st. In context, however, December is considered a 'Winter' month by all but those trying to justify their lateness on a project by saying 'I promised it this fall ... it's december 15th, and still fall for another week'. In my book, if JA isn't here by Nov 30th, it didn't hit 'fall'.


Tokkos...I think the only way you will get email notification for the game's release is if you sign up to become a Lucasarts member, and subscribe to their newsletter or something. :)


Frankly I've had little luck with that. I'm a 'member' for quite a while, and rarely get the newsletter ... maybe tehy use one of those funky remailers that has an odd 'from' address that changes all the time and gets filtered ... anyway, I'd not depend on it.



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Originally posted by HertogJan

The 'calendar' winter starts 21st of December... The 'meteorological' or whatever (lol :)) winter starts December 1st. That is when the experts say it's winter :D


Okay, so I'm a meteorological person, instead of a calendar person. :D I never know what day it is anyway...but here are the official dates when seasons are supposed to start...


Spring (vernal) equinox - 21 March

Summer solstice - 21 June

Autumn equinox - 23 Sept

Winter solstice - 22 Dec


...so yes, I'm technically wrong, and I apologise for creating confusion and transforming into a jackass. *brays* That's what I get for posting when I'm still half-asleep, I guess.


As far as I'm concerned, though, I'm already in Summer...and the seasons don't really mean that much anyway with current climatic changes. ;)


As for the game...expect it some time before Christmas.

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