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Big Brother is watching you....


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And also, apparently, my computer. Allow me to explain. My little brother installed a music programme called IMESH a while back. This programme kept causing problems with the *&$% ing computer, and when my dad investigated, he discovered that the progamme works by charging others to use it for different purposes, including spying on individuals computer activities! This has kind of freaked me out (but admittedly hasn't put me off using the internet, I'm too keen on monkey island and procrastinating from revising on online games sites to be hugely bothered) But that made me think just how much of our lives are being monitored now in some way or other. An obvious example is CCTV, which is pretty useful and not really intruding on people's privacy that much, but some things, such as the afforely mentioned internet spying and the marketing of a device that allows parents to keep track of exactly where their teenagers are, do seem to infringe on people's rights to a degree of privacy. If this new technology continues to be used this way, how long will it be till we live in a world not unlike 1984, where everything is monitored and checked, watched and scruninized by higher powers?

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yeah, now there's some gay-ass thing for the parent on aol that let's them get updates on what sites you've been to, what sites you've tried to access, it's total bull ****! if i don't want my mom to know that im' going to (let's say barney, which isn't true) sites, then what right does she have to know that i'm going to nickjunior.com? that's just an example, but that's how ridiculous it is. and then they have some timer thing as well that only let's your kids online for however long you want them to be on. but i don't think my mom knows, thank god. it's so stupid!! they have so many things to track every last little thing you're doing. and they claim on the commercials "it makes your child safer". how does you invading my privacy make me safer? it just god damn mother ****in bull ****. sorry, but it's the ****in truth. see how pissed i get from this crap? ahhh!!!! and that's really rare, too.

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hee being a parent now...i can see how one may want to monitor such internet activities. Just think...if only a parent at Columbine had found out what her son was planning? Neways I'm all for privacy though. But I'm at work right now and they say they monitor all internet activities. Well..you just get over it. As long as your not doing anything illegal I think your rents will eventurally bore of it and not watch you as closely. I think that when my son's older I probably won't do the whole Internet Spy thing. He just have to realise that he'll get his @ beat if I catch a naked jr britney spears on there!

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