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1st Annual FK Clan Saberist PUG


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The Fallen Knights are going to be hosting a PUG (that's pick up game for those of you that don't know), tonight, Saturday, June 14th at 8pm EST on FK1 server. If you're a full force saber only player that doesn't cry about people using scripts, or laming, or any other of the normal crap people hear if they go on 99% of the FFA servers, then stop by our IRC channel by 7pm EST to hang out and get the password if we like ya. :)


Our IRC channel is on irc.gamesnet.net #fallenknights.


We'll be playing CTF and TFFA's mostly, might throw in a mad house, non-rpg newbie FFA every few games.





For those that don't know how a PUG works:

Server will be locked to only those invited with the password. When enough people are on, two captains will be picked. The two captains choose teams much like you would at recess back in the days of grade school for kickball or whatever. Those not picked become captains for next game. Etc.



So if you're down for some gaming, speak with an op in our channel.


Rules For The PUG



2. No map exploit camping - IE: invis ledges on yavin, roofs of streets

3. If we TFFA, Only Level 1 Team Energize and Team Heal allowed, will be easy to see if someone's chaining it as it's near impossible with level 1 as it takes half force power to energize.

4. No disrespecting those playing, it's for fun, not to beat our chests.

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No it's just a matter of wanting to get a clean game.


Personally I would rather play a match like the SF vs. FK (where we lost) 10000 times over (because it was just a game of raw skill and strategy) rather than use the script and wipe every clan we play off the map like we currently do.


But like I've said before, I don't trust anyone not to use it for obvious reasons/history and I have no plans on getting screwed over again by trusting people.


FK would be the one exception to that because they went through the same ordeal we had to and I know he/they wouldn't pull any crap like that.


I don't think you can really understand just how much that script ****ed up teamffa in jk2.


Prior to that script their team of lights with only one dark went undefeated against every team they played.


Once they face a team using that script the entire strategy and time they put into it went down the crapper because of how insanely fast that script chains.


They faced manual chaining from us and were able to fight it and win.


If we would have scripted it and done the exact same things we did when we lost, we would have utterly destroyed them.


That script forces both teams to go dark and drain, there can be no other option when facing it.

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fk did 4 lights and 1 dark.


Even with 4 darks constantly energizing (manual) it was hard because of what they did.


when u chain manual you still have to take small breaks to defend/attack so it's not a constant chain and thus you can't just sit there and hold down drain until their absorb wears off.


Trust me man don't base what you see now in teamffa as what it was like back then.


That script made every possible strategy other than having a bunch of darks drain whoring totally obsolete and sadly there were a lot of different and *effective strategies prior to it.

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Indeed. That script is the biggest reason for the downfall of the teamwarfare.com Sabers TDM ladder. There were about 20 teams on it with maybe about 15 active. The day after our match with FotS in which they used that script and we appealed to TWL, the teams were cut in half. By the time our match with FotS was rescheduled there were 5 teams left on the ladder. They used the script again. We all pulled out of the ladder.


This was why I said only level 1. The script only helps on yavin for CTF, it's for TFFA that it's really a problem, hence the level 1 request for TFFA. We only ended up playing one TFFA during the pug anyways, everyone wanted to play CTF the most, so that's what we did.


Was a successfull pug. Would have liked a few more people but it went well. We'll do it again soon.

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by the way, which one of the shockwave members are korean? is it iron or imp?


also, UJ if you are admin, plz ban kane. Got in trouble at school and summer work because of kane's sig/avatar while looking at your forum


haha, morrison got suspended for looking at dsbr's website at school.

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Originally posted by lllKyNeSlll

by the way, which one of the shockwave members are korean? is it iron or imp?


also, UJ if you are admin, plz ban kane. Got in trouble at school and summer work because of kane's sig/avatar while looking at your forum


haha, morrison got suspended for looking at dsbr's website at school.



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With exception of swift, I’m thinking all of you guys live in the US. Also, is break Indian? I thought he was because I read some post that he was valedictorian in some North Carolinian high school and his s/n on AIM is hindubob. So I assumed that since indians are smart and some deduction from his SN, that he was of Indian ethnicity.

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Originally posted by lllKyNeSlll

With exception of swift, I’m thinking all of you guys live in the US. Also, is break Indian? I thought he was because I read some post that he was valedictorian in some North Carolinian high school and his s/n on AIM is hindubob. So I assumed that since indians are smart and some deduction from his SN, that he was of Indian ethnicity.


lol we all do live in the U.S.


Texas, VA, Boston, RI, NJ.


Break is white dude, we all have posted our pics at one time or another. Crow may still have all of them, ask him next time you see him.


Cool, I'll make #2 for sure.

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