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my Mi1 and Mi2 fan fiction

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Well, well, well.


From your MI1 story:


Deep in the heart of the Caribbean, shrouded by tropical mists, sat Melee Island™. It was a small, if dense, island. Though the interior was by turns mountainous and level, none of the peaks came close in height to the blunt, rocky spire which towered above the main village. On its level, truncated peak, an old man stood near a blazing fire, watching the sea. Behind him stood a small figure in a white shirt, panting slightly, his brown ponytail dirty with sweat.


From the MI1 novelization hosted on the old LucasArts Fiction site:


Deep in the heart of the Caribbean, shrouded by tropical mists, sat Melee Island™.


It was a small, if dense, island. Though the interior was by turns mountainous and level, none of the peaks came close in height to the blunt, rocky spire which towered above the main village. On its level, truncated peak, an old man stood near a blazing fire, watching the sea. Behind him stood a small figure in a white shirt, panting slightly, his brown ponytail dirty with sweat.


Later on, your story reads:


Guybrush hypnotised the quarrelsome rhinos. He dodged the attention of Fester's fist, which struck the wall behind. "Ow!" screamed Fester. Guybrush ran to the security console, and raised a stabbing finger. "No!" cried Fester. "Not the red button!" Guybrush pushed the red button. There was a large Kaboom. Plaster rained down from the ceiling. The console imploded. The windows exploded. Several shards hit Fester, who screamed and dived at Guybrush. They rolled down a steep incline, exchanging blows.


Again, the LucasArts Fiction novelization:


Guybrush hypnotised the quarrelsome rhinos. He dodged the attention of Fester's fist, which struck the wall behind. "Ow!" screamed Fester. Guybrush ran to the security console, and raised a stabbing finger. "No!" cried Fester. "Not the red button!"


Guybrush pushed the red button.


There was a large Kaboom. Plaster rained down from the ceiling. The console imploded. The windows exploded. Several shards hit Fester, who screamed and dived at Guybrush. They rolled down a steep incline, exchanging blows.


Turning to your MI2 story, it begins thus:


Elaine Marley fastened the rope tightly to the steel girders poking out of the reinforced concrete. She took a final look around the island, at the mounds of dirt which had once concealed her grandfather's treasure. Then, holding the rope tightly, she lowered herself into the hole blasted out of the reinforced concrete base.


The LucasArts Fiction novelization:


Elaine Marley fastened the rope tightly to the steel girders poking out of the reinforced concrete. She took a final look around the island, at the mounds of dirt which had once concealed her grandfather's treasure. Then, holding the rope tightly, she lowered herself into the hole blasted out of the reinforced concrete base.


Seems to be some similarity here.


The MI1 novelization I wrote in December 1997, the MI2 novelization in January 1998. Being novelizations, they don't count as fanfiction. Neither do they count as yours.


I don't mind it, if people ask to host these stories I've typed. Or even if they don't ask, but credit me. After all, it's not my intellectual property.


When someone tries to pass it off as their own work -


In the warm night air, under a sky dappled with firework light, it didn't really seem to matter much. THE END... for now by Zeke Tait


- that's something else.

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That's low, real low. I started my own novelization of mi1 a while back, but only got to the part on the ship. I can't really call it that good ebcause most of the dialogue was taken directly out of the game (who could come up with better, I ask you?), but all description, and in between bits are my own. Hang on, i'll post a site with it on.

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Death, or Mr Jedi if you please - I have no respect for you anymore, buddy. You just slid down a few notches on the "Am I cool" scale.


I mean, fan fiction itself is generally low. But stealing it? What would your mother say?

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1st of all i wanna say :newbie: s Rule


did i say that I wrote it?


i put it on my site for other people to see it becouse i thourght it was really cool (sorry i got the link wrong the 1st time i did it)

i posted it on this threed to show all you guys.....ill edit the post

Ryback and say u write it since u said u did

but i didnt steal it i just posted it up on my site and i didnt find it from this place that u think i did i found it on some fan site on google and it already had the by zeke thing on it (btw my names jared not zeke)


so Ryback......nice try hehe

and did u write this your a good writer have u any other storys baced around monkey island

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Originally posted by Death_Jedi

did i say that I wrote it?


The subject is My Mi1 and Mi2 fan fiction.


Thanks for the attribution.


A google search on 'Zeke Tait' brings up zero entries. Take away the quotes and add the term 'Guybrush' and there's one entry, an apparently unrelated guestbook.


Got a link for where you originally found it?

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Hey, sorry bout that Death Jedi.


Hey, I wanted to post mine, but it seems that geocities won't let me do it properly. How would you guys feel about a word doc? I'll make it as simple as possible so older versions of word can open it.

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Yes, sorry for misinterpreting your use of the word "my". I thought it meant you wrote the story, as opposed to ripping it off from somewhere else!


And the fact you apologise for the layout "going all funny", despite the fact it was "funny" when you got the file, supposedly, is neither here nor there.


PS. pwned!

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Originally posted by Neil Joshi

Hey, sorry bout that Death Jedi


Don't apologise to this flamboyant plagiarist, this callous, avaricious larcenist deserves to sizzle in an igneous bastille, and then have his face lacerated and impaired with a formidable bolo or lancet of sorts.

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I'll be honest. I'm not convinced.


First of all you say you found it on some fan site on Google. (I assume that means a Google search). I've tried plugging all manner of terms from the alleged original site. No matches - it's apparently not stored.


Then you say you were searching Angelfire. I tried searching Angelfire for the terms on the page. No luck either. (Weirdly, a plain search for 'monkey island' brings up another, age-old MI1 novelization).


You say 'it went all funny when I put it on my site'. The 'original' had the same screwy formatting.


The 'original' site looks to have been knocked up in about five minutes, and seems to have no purpose beyond hosting the two stories.


The 'original' uses the following code to link to the story:


< p align=center><a href="Monkey1.txt">
<font size=3 face=arial color="darkorchid"><b>
click for Monkey island1 story

Your homepage uses the same code:


< p align=center><a href="Monkey1.txt">
<font size=3 face=arial color="darkorchid"><B>
click for Monkey island1 story

The color 'darkorchid' is used for every link on the page, including all the links unrelated to the MI stuff.


< p align=center><a href="sephiroth44.jpg">
<font size=3 face=arial color="darkorchid"><B>

So when you copied the stories and link codes onto your site you changed all the other links at the same time? Exactly how old is your homepage?


And even if I take you at your word, then all this means is that rather than you ripping me off, you ripped off someone else who ripped me off.


Whatever. I've asserted my authorship, and this'll probably be my last word on the subject.


Onto other things: Neil, that's a pretty cool novelization (having read the first few scenes). I'd host it on LucasArts Fiction, but then, that slot's already filled. And MIAC seems to like it :)

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Also, Death_Jedi, may I add that your website is an absolute atrocity. A Red-capped Mangabey with several fingers omitted from his or her being could implement a much better form of HTML (read: VERIDICAL HTML), and I would also like to suggest that a rigorously blinded man with an abundant and implacable abhorrence towards all that is resplendent and beauteous could adopt an infinitely more prominent colour scheme than your unprepossessing monstrousity.


Unsocial entities like you should relinquish vital organs.

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Originally posted by Death_Jedi

1st of all i wanna say :newbie: s Rule

Newbies are the bane of my existence.


so you all got me wrong.....Walks back up the cool scale
We'll say when you can walk back up the cool scale, sonny boy. ;-


Besides, you really shouldn't put someone else's work on your site without first asking permission from the author. Not only that, but you advertised the work around the Internet willy nilly!

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Ryback the only reason you didnt find it is becouse u put in the search "Zeke Tait Guybrush" or somthing

i put in Monkey Island fan fiction

and i copy and saved that file so it looks the same as that site


and scabb why do u go insulting me iv done nothing wrong and that site i no is crappy it is for sigs and avatars i make for people off photo shop so i can post them to them...nothing else if u read the bottom it says this site is for pictures only


Neil Joshi if u want i could put your fan fiction on my site then post you the url so ya can post it instead of useing an attachment


and i dont see why i get thrown down it anyways i havnt really done nothing wrong

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Originally posted by Death_Jedi

and i dont see why i get thrown down it anyways i havnt really done nothing wrong


Other than the theft of intellectual material and the subsequent (and laughable) denial, followed by a bounty of slurs and bad grammar, as well as falsely accusing anyone in this thread of being a so-called "Newbie", and forcing Gabez into submitting the Post Reply button and typing out a post (which is very difficult for him when he has no hands, you insensate mongrel).


If this were some backwards third-world country, you would have been killed to bits by now. I can honestly say I don't see you attending the parties that we'll all be having in heaven. Because you'll be in hell. Burning.

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Originally posted by Death_Jedi

Neil Joshi if u want i could put your fan fiction on my site then post you the url so ya can post it instead of useing an attachment

No no, that's okay, Haggis is doing fine with my novel (plus there's the added extra of people actually seeing my novelization considering MIAC is such a popular site and it has my name on it)


Originally posted by scabb

Don't apologise to this flamboyant plagiarist, this callous, avaricious larcenist deserves to sizzle in an igneous bastille, and then have his face lacerated and impaired with a formidable bolo or lancet of sorts.


Or, we could call him nasty names, consdering I have no idea where to find a friggin bastille at this time of day!

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Well, actually, the site's main purpose is for discussing visual arts. But if you have an extremely interesting article about Monkey Island, or fan literature thereof, it will also be place on the site. If you want to write an article, please send me a PM or something. No e-mail, because WMI mail is currently down.

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