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Stupid Question


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Hey, don't sweat "stupid questions" (I'm sure you've heard: there is no such thing!)... you've got to start somewhere right? The best mapping tool to use is GtkRadiant, and the best place to learn how to get started in Radiant is RichDiesal's tutorial site. RD's tutorials kind of fall off once you get past the basics, but they are a great place to learn the foundations of JK2 mapping. After you feel you understand RD's tutorials fully, feel free to post any questions you may have in this forum. Also, the "RichDiesal's Tutorial University Questions Thread" (or whatever it's called) is a good thread to read (in its entirety); many, many, many questions are answered in there.

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Well, there is one thing to add: once you get to the "ok, I understand a little, but I have some questions" point of your mapping career, the search button is your friend. As long as you consider your query terms carefully, you'll find that almost every question you can think of has been answered.

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Originally posted by joetheeskimo5

The difference to me is that levels are single player maps, and maps are MP maps. Wouldn't SP maps have a different program, since you need to add stormroopers and triggers and stuff?


Nope, SP and MP maps can be designed with GtkRadient. You just need to switch from SP mode to MP mode within GtkRadient.

You can add stormtroopers (and other NPCs) and triggers in GtkRadient. :)

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