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I need a save game of syberia of episode with the captured opera singer

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I had a crash on my computer and had to install everything new.


one day I thought, shall I play syberia and when I start the game I forgot to make a backup of my save files.


Can someone send me a save file of the episode of when the opera singer is captured ?????


I hope someone can help me otherwise I must play the game whole over again.


Thanks in advanced



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Originally posted by GinnyW

I'd be glad to send you a save, I have one right after the cutscene of the opera, what's your e-mail?


I only recently finished Sybeia and overall I liked it a lot. :)


Thank you thank you thank you


Please send it to X and X


Can you please tell me if you have send the save file so I can remove my emails again ;-)


Thank you


Best regards


Martijn Koenen

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So do I fire (;)), but Syberia I only finished like, 2 days ago or something, and I'm still re-watching the cutscenes, which are just wonderful :).


If I really really enjoy a game I will replay it and while replaying make saves in special places that I loved more than others, and be able to replay these parts whenever I want to. In these cases I save these saves for sav(f)e keeping ;).

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Originally posted by GinnyW

If I really really enjoy a game I will replay it and while replaying make saves in special places that I loved more than others, and be able to replay these parts whenever I want to. In these cases I save these saves for sav(f)e keeping ;).

Actually not a bad idea... I know the beginning of the games way better then the middle or last part... :rolleyes: Because when I start replaying a game I don't always finish it due to a lack of time or other games that I play in the mean time...

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i don't understand you. Why not keep the saves. I have a huge ammount of saves of every game i have plaied....

(well except of some losses over the years dew to unexpected situations *cry* )


Keeping the saves doesn't take mush space and also you have your game history ;)

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Originally posted by pleto4_ryan

Keeping the saves doesn't take mush space and also you have your game history ;)

That's true... I used to save my saves... but I never reused them, so I mostly delete them nowadays... sometimes they are used to fill the last piece of a CD btw... :o


And I mostly start a game all over, so I never use old saves... ;)

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