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Star Wars:DareDevil, The dawning.


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I have been planning a video release for jedi outcast for the daredevil, and as of right now are looking for some actors that may be intrested in this movie,or others that are currently being worked on.

This movie will be featuring the daredevil, punisher, scarlet spider, electra, and blade.

I'm also thinking of adding ghost rider/then shortley after making a ghost rider movie.


StarWars: The Matrix

Encoding of heaven.

Another movie that will be created soon, I have been working on the story line of this one for over a month now, and now am looking for actors, so if anyone is intrested, pm me.

A trailer for this one will be released really soon, but i think you may need real one or divx to watch it.



Both movie story lines were written by myself, and will also be directed by me, editor and camera artist will be done by Gray_fox of Fox enterpirses.

(Fox is a member of the jedioutcast movie team.)

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