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Professions don't have anything to do with your standing wether it's good or evil. Also, I don't think it's possible to become a sith. I think I read somewhere that you can't become a dark jedi either. I know you can join the empire, so if you want to be evil, do missions for them.

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Dark Jedi will not be in the initial release. Also, you will have to open the Jedi Force Sensitive Character slot to be a Jedi at all.


As far as Sith...well, to make a long story short, there are only two Sith at any given time. Period. That would be Darth Sidious and Darth Vader. Therefore, since feature character killing is not allowed, you cannot be a Sith.


Sith are not Dark Jedi.


Also, your Force Sensitive Character Slot will be an additional character slot, so your first character will have absolutely no chance of ever becoming a Jedi of any kind.


No one knows exactly how the FSCS will be opened, but most of us hope to find out.

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You can be whatever you want with your Force Sensitive Character Slot, but the character you are creating in that slot is subject to Jedi terms of operation, i.e. permadeath.


I was thinking it'd be kinda neat to make a musician in my FSCS if I manage to open it up. Then theoretically you could finish up an entertaining session and use your jedi skills. You probably won't get killed by anyone who was watching and they may defend you if someone else see's your TEF and attacks.

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Another question from me(sry)


i was wondering do i have to be a certain class to become a Jedi?







or can i be whatever i want and beceome a Jedi?Also how long will it take to become a Jedi.


i know what your thinking, IT IS HARD TO BECOME A JEDI U PROBABLY WONT BE ONE.lol but if you knew me i play my comp 24/7.Hehe,thanks for the INFO guys and gals


Rouge :ben:

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