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Max Map viewing area


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What is the Maximum Viewing area in a map ?????




i have the old area portal in there and hint brushes


and because the area outside is farely large ive added a distancecull and fogging to the worldspawn but still get the error...



Ive seen maps in EF2 since i got it that are far larger outside


Its ever since Q3map2.5 came out


if it was anyone else id put it down to bad level design ...but this is me :rolleyes: LOL

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Only make small details inside a room detail brushes. Like chairs, desks, tables, etc. Structural brushes should be the walls of your room. Making everything but what touches the void detail is the dumbest thing ever, don't do that.

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the problem really only lies with the first level....as the start area is one vast city scape...


if i could get someone to make me a DECENT skybox for Cloud City with the actual buildings to, like in that old Jedi Knight level or was it mysteries of the sith ? LOL


then i could make the start area vastly smaller..which i may do anyway as i think i overdid it for a game as underpowered as JO



Anyone who can make good skyboxes not just skies with copied and pasted builings on ..please email me =]


good chance your map will be submitted on a coverdisk of a magazine as every other bespin level ive made has been :D

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