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This game is wack


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Why do all you newbies greet me while I'm trying to play? Why isn't there a double shadow on Tatooine.:) The developers screwed up big time, IMO. The interface looks like it was made by an autistic 3 year old. This game isn't worth the plastic it was m:)ade on, and if the disc wasn't sharp and jagged, I'd wipe my behind with it. George Lucas is milking us for money.


On top of that, I had to wait in line for 30 minutes to my pre-order, while a parade of smelly, overweight nerds groveled about AT-AT walkers and the benifits of a shield generator on Endor. On top of that, I didn't even get the game. I didn't have:) a pre-order, so I tried to trick them into believing I did. The jerk at EB called me a liar and had me escorted out by police after I grabbed him:) by his lanyard. This game sucks.

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iit sounds like u didnt even play the game so how do u know. but n e ways lucas arts screwed up on shipping to my eb is only getting 24 copies. there giving them to whoever payed the most for there preorders. **** i wont get mine until at least tuesday

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