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Stop Complaining


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We all know that some of you cant suscribe or you cant get it for some other reasons. But dont come to the boards and put 1000 different posts all saying CANT GET IN I HATE THIS GAME!!!!(your just spamming) For most of you, you are MMORPG vets I'm suprised you aren't used to this. As for the rest of you this game has been getting hype for years and wouldn't you expect some problems when the entire US and a majority of other countries are trying to connect at the same time. My advice is just forget about logging in and being the first to do this or that for about 3 days cause thats how long its gonna be before the majority of you will actually be able to play without problems/fixes. The more you sit here and complain about it the more stressed out you'll be and then end up hating the game blah blah blah.... So just give it a rest.





P.S. Do the triviaquiz with the droid in the chatroom on the Log Screen

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I was tempted to post something like this 3 hours ago...but I found that I didn't have the time because I was DELETING AND MERGING AND CLOSING TOO MANY THREADS. Really people...3 pages of new threads. Was that necessary? *sigh*


I don't have the game but I'm pulling an all nighter just to clean up the forums...please people...Tomorrow it had better not be this crazy around here or some newb is going to pay for crossing the line by posting the same thread 80 other people have posted and I'll just snap and ban them right there. Well maybe not to that extreme...but good grief people...can't you just look around at other threads that you could post your info in. There is a SWG problem sticky thread at top...how many threads do you think I've had to merge with it? 5 or 6 threads...and those are the threads I BOTHERED to merge there...there are plenty I just left there because I had to go run off and delete some other pathetic spam thread saying "*sigh* I keep clicking this thing and it doesn't work...why did I get this game?"


anyway...end of rant...the moral of this story is, be an efficient forummite...there's no reason to post 80 complaint threads when there is a sticky at the TOP of the page made for all those billions of threads.


*this has been a public service anouncement for the sanity of Darthfergie and all other mods who frequent SWG.net forums

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