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This is weird I was play multi-player on my gamecube well I was following some of my A.I. teammates when a blue showed up I had the Fletteche out and I used the Mines (secondary weapon) but it hit my Swamptrooper teammate and it poped up on the screen SW-597 was Sharpenelled by player 1 .Has this happened to any one else because that the first time that happened.:confused:

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I think you mean shrapnelled, and yes I've had that happen. The only difference is I usually get that message after I use primary fire on the Flechette. I think, though, that sometimes the computer mixes up the messages for primary and secondary fire

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Your right.My friend and I were playing and he Knocked out one of the A.I.s and it said the same message on his screen he thought the game was defictif he told my mom she said we were gitting a new one so I had to show her what you said she said alright then we won't take it back.:lurkblast:lightning:slsaber::duel::zamn1:

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