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Titles Above Head


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Looking at the in-game pics i see most of them have it so that above everyones head is their name and their title. I was wondering if you were able to turn this off? I dont really want to see that on everyones head everywhere i go.

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Yes, go to options, the little icon on your small task bar that looks like a wrench. You can choose to turn off player names, or npc names, or turn item names on, in any combination.

Also in there you can lighten your screen, change the color of your UI, remap your keyboard to a configuration like your other favorite games.


I did the last three months of beta. Send me a tell if you have any questions, either pm here or Danyx on Starsider. I've been out two days working long shifts, but I now I only have next Tuesday to work and am off the rest of the days till the 6th.

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