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Kyle's almost done...

Infinity Blade

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I used the version of the JO demo map that loads into the full game while also having the DF mod demo elements loaded so that the JO demo mission would look like a DF mission, Moldy Crow and all. It worked okay. It was also my first chance to see the Crow since it doesn't appear in the DF mod demo when I play it on my Mac for some reason.


The Kyle model truly rocks. He looks spectacular when loaded into JO SP and brought to life in the cutscenes. With this kind of quality it sure would be awesome if the DF mod cutscenes could be done in-engine but I guess the plan is to use pre-rendered?

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Originally posted by Neverhoodian

Could it be possible for me to replace the Kyle model in the DF demo with this one?

It sounded like there would be a Demo Update for the DF Mod which would include this model, but I'm not privy to any more information about it at this time.


Originally posted by Magic_Al`s DF

but I guess the plan is to use pre-rendered?

I was wanting in-game cutscenes as well, but others in the group don't seem to be as interested in that. There's also the process of getting the cutscenes into MP, which I am unsure if it is possible. I haven't spent enough time looking into it...
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