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Whats with Bioware's Website?

JedEye Knight

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yeah and weird thing .. non of the devs answered questions yesterday :eek: THIS COULD BE A SIGN :D or they could just be getting a make over :rolleyes: LET IT BE A SIGN PLEAAASE, besides everyone was guessing they go gold today, so who knows I just dont wanna get my hopes up for nothing now

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Originally posted by JedEye Knight

yeah and weird thing .. non of the devs answered questions yesterday...


Yesterday was Sunday. Sometimes on the weekend they don't answer questions. It depends.


But I'm a speculator and hoping it's a major update. A good update for us Xbox owners. :D



edit-The site's back nothing new added.:D

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Originally posted by JedEye Knight

Yup .. lucky you, we need more people on these forums, I feel lonely when I'm the only one on at times.




You should've been here a couple months ago.


One time I made a post and it didn't get a reply for like a whole day.


The forums are 10x busier than they used to be. ;)

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