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Mapping Tutorial


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Get GtkRadiant instead of JK2Radiant (it's more stable and has a few more features), and use the q3map2 compile options in Gtk (for example, use "q3map2 (test)" where RichDiesal says "BSP FastVIS 1/2" and use "q3map2 (final)" where he says "BSP fullVIS").


The reason is that Rich's tutorials are slightly out of date. q3map2 is a far superior compiler than the old one he uses.


You can get GtkRadiant at http://www.qeradiant.com


Gtk comes with a version of q3map2, but you can get the most recent version at http://www.shaderlab.com


And we of the mapping forum are always here to help! :)

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If that's your only qualification, then I suppose it's better.


But as far as actual technical differences go, GtK Radiant is far superior to JK2 Radiant for reasons Wedge listed above. If you're having problems loading it, I suggest you download a stable version of it instead of the latest release (which sometimes has problems). You'll find it much easier.

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