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Doing some thinking...a rare past-time....


What happened to Largo at the end of Mi2?

the last time we see him is in the torture chamber...

my ideas really SUCK, so i wanna see if any of you guys have any ideas....


I had one where he comes back as...

...The Zombie Largo (wheee!). And he's still an insecure pr*c.


Largo rants, please!

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I don't think anyone really knows what happened to Largo after the explosion in LeChuck's fortress. Personally, I hope that he's still alive (or undead, whichever), enabling him to come back if they ever make an MI5. ;)


As for theories on what happened to him...well, I prescribe to two very similar theories. I'm not quite sure if either one would work, but I'd be happy if they did.


Theory One: Largo, like Guybrush, was blown clear of the fortress when it exploded. He went flying off in the other direction and landed on another island, obviously far away from the Tri-Island Area if he hasn't made his way back by now. He's alive, not undead, but is horribly scarred from the "accident" and blames it all on Guybrush. Maybe the explosion also gave him some new voodoo powers to use...since I'm betting there were a lot of voodoo materials in that fortress when it blew up.


Theory Two: Largo was blown clear but didn't survive. Now, he's an undead whozerwhatzit. And he has voodoo powers. And he wants revenge on Guybrush for killing him. (Boy, does that ever sound familiar.)


I've never thought of Largo as insecure, really, though I think he wouldn't make quite a good "evil maniacal insane supervillain" as LeChuck does. I'd put him somewhere between "henchman" and LeChuck. Strong enough to cause trouble, but stupid enough to not quite know what he's doing. ;)

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qoute from TraaRane


"Theory One: Largo, like Guybrush, was blown clear of the fortress when it exploded. He went flying off in the other direction and landed on another island, obviously far away from the Tri-Island Area if he hasn't made his way back by now. He's alive, not undead, but is horribly scarred from the "accident" and blames it all on Guybrush. Maybe the explosion also gave him some new voodoo powers to use...since I'm betting there were a lot of voodoo materials in that fortress when it blew up."


GAH!ACk! I see...oh,geez,i see an evil doodle coming...


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Ahh, how I agree with TyraaRane. Personally, I'm thinking that scarred and burned Largo pulled himself away from the wreakage, always searching for Guybrush to get his revenge and further plague our lives, at least until Guybrush gets another voodoo doll. Ahh....daydreaming of MI5

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