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The Latest RPG Newbie Destroying UPDATE


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Yeah, that was hilarious. FFA Bespin newbie clans always talk alot of smack until the word "clan match" comes up...then they start making excuses. Anyways, there are several types of FFA servers in JK2 as I see it.


Newbie servers with rules that I feel are lame like "saber down = no kill" and "No chat killing" ect that are fair with people as long as they follow these lame rules. Then there are the ones which use these same rules only with the addition of unspoken rules like "If you are better then our clan you are a lamer and will be punished" God...there are countless numbers of these now. Even if you go in and follow their rules, if you totally own them you are branded a "lamer" and slapped or put to sleep or outright kicked.


However, then there are the slightly more fanatical ones which add things like:




Hell...i've even seen servers that have full force enabled, but say that nobody can fight except in a Private FFA duel.


Now...i'm not sure how anyone could not find this ridiculous. I can't honestly think of one FFA server that does not follow the aforementioned rules....except for FU server...but I was getting slapped there the other day for killing an admin who was AMsitting. And I got Amexploded for killing another admin who had his saber down. So I suppose that server has gone downhill lately.


I can see where, in theory, these rules would seem reasonable...but look at what it's lead to. Countless servers where nobody does anything but stand around with saber down doing nothing, and calling anyone who wants to actually fight a "lamer". Consider how fanatical people are about this concept now. Hordes upon hordes of newbies running around screaming "LAMER!" and calling anyone who dares to not bow a "n00b". Worse still, since 99% of the people who begin playing JK2 start in FFA...the first thing they are subject too are these newbie clans with their boring ass style of gaming and their moronic honor system. It's honestly getting to where I can barely find a server that doesn't sleep me just for killing someone with a PTK even with their saber up. Apparently most of these servers consider owning their clan members fairly to be "laming".

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lol they said they "slaughtered you guys".


I've been messing with them all night and they said they would do a re match if you want one.


I've got a couple of short demos of all the stuff they said, it's kind of funny in a living in denial sort of way.


Anyways if you do a match w/ them let me in on the beat down.


Spec and I always joked about being able to hit 200 in a teamffa and judging by those scores in those demos; since he and I are usually w/ in a point to two of each other when we play I bet we could hit 200 against these guys.

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Originally posted by B_dF

at the beginning of 1.03, a 12 yr old was the leader of, by far, the best ff clan in the game.... age doesn't matter.


For those that can't see Break's posts.


Also I kinda disagree with age not mattering. When people get older their attention spans increase, their hand-eye coordination gets better, and their reactions are quicker. I'm not saying young people can't be excellent players but normally older(between teens to twenties) people will be more skilled.

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Well playing an instrument helps especially piano. Pianists can kick off stairs and sloped surfaces alot easier than the norm. I have improved since I started using a mouse in first person shooters. That was when I was 12. I am currently 16 and would be godlike compared to the way I used to be. But I believe age is a factor but I personally think if I had started at age 8 and was age 12, the improvement would be there too. Therefore, accuracy and mouse precision also depends on years of practice.

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Originally posted by [fk]mediablitz

Hell...i've even seen servers that have full force enabled, but say that nobody can fight except in a Private FFA duel.


lol you know why, they can be selective to who they play/can beat



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