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Do you play funny rituals in JK2 Singleplayer?

Jenny Chen

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Originally posted by Lion275

LOL dang thats funny, how did you punch btw?:confused:

Bring up the console and typr bind [key] weapon14

And bind [key] give weaponnum14.

Pushing one and then the other should do the trick.....

(I think thats how you do it, I'm not 100%)

You need special modifications, or mods, for JKII like Jedi Academy Mod or JediMod. Punch is an emote that can be found in these mods.

Heh, waste of time getting all that.... ;)

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Sorry to double post but more wierd screenies!


I don't want a haircut! *noticed dead person next to him* oh dear.



This is unfair, he has a big stick thing and I got a little tiny sword!



"I want my mommy!"

Your character : "Better come back afterwards"

*Sneaks off*


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-Disarming enemies then beating them up with my fists.


-Spawning a small army of npc's and trying to keep them alive as long as I can (and taking funny screenshots).


-Pranks involving obscene amounts of detpacks and trip mines...


- Jumping on npc's heads repeatedly and listening to them complain.


; )


Yeah, spawning people fighting into the in-game cutscenes rules. I did that a lot in Rune too.



PS: Using fists (in single player anyway) doesn't require any mods. It's two simple console commands (which can be bound to keys).


Like so (add these lines to your cfg file you use for single player):

bind <key1> "give weaponnum 14"

bind <key2> "weapon 14"


Where key1 and key2 are whatever you want.


Then in game, just type key1 then key2 and you should switch to fists. I forget if you need to type devmapall first or not though (only works in single player as far as I know).


Congratulations, you are now a Galactic Boxing Champion!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, this is really funny, right before you meet desann in yavin_final(before the movie), there are 2 very funny things to do:


1. spawn about 200 lukes, and kill one(only one!) of them. A good advice is to have godmode on!


2. My personal favorite:

spawn about 2000 ugnaughts!!! spawn them everywere! When Kyle and Desann talk to eachother, you can see lots of ugnaughts running around!!! when you fight, you can see lots of ugnaughts running around!!! and when you see desann lying dead, you can see lots of ugnaughts running around!!!

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I like spawning an army of shooters on kyle's side (ie lando, rebel, jan) and having them help you kill all the enemies in the level.


I also lne up npcs to spell out 'hi' or something and take a screenshot.


ALSO, in cairn_dock1, on the bridge leading to the doomgiver (at the end of the level), I put god and notarget on then spawn alot of shadowtroopers and alot of good jedi, watch them kill eachother, then collect all the crystals that fell down to the crates below.

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Here are some pictures from MP(I know it's a little of topic, but whatever):


http://hem.passagen.se/carlydergard/mixedgrill.jpg - Mixed Grill!!!


http://hem.passagen.se/carlydergard/explosionsarefun.jpg - Explosions are funny! Just look how fun this one looks!!!:)


http://hem.passagen.se/carlydergard/jango.jpg - this one is not funny at all, it's just cool...don't know why I posted it...




NOTE1: If you are outside Europe, you might get problems too see my pictures, but click on the links several times, and you'll be able to see the pictures.


NOTE2: Someone should start a "post your screenshot" thread in the swamp...

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