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UPDATE: RPG CLan Destruction


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Another night of dealing with people saying they'd work us and kick are asses so yet another newbie clan finds out the hard way how we do it Full Force style. It's the |SL| clan who can be found at:



The demo starts out slow because we had a member in who wasn't on the same page as us so we replaced him and the raping commenced.


The demo...

FK vs SL


The result...



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That was ownage in every sense.


They were stupid. They didn't know how to counter gripping, even after it was done to each of them 30 times. And they couldn't figure out why you guys were using so much force. Absolutely hilarious. I especially like it how they say how "you won't duel them, because you guys know you'll lose". Classic. zero teamwork on their part, in opposition to your teams ideal teamwork.

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Originally posted by SeanTB123

That was ownage in every sense.


They were stupid. They didn't know how to counter gripping, even after it was done to each of them 30 times. And they couldn't figure out why you guys were using so much force. Absolutely hilarious. I especially like it how they say how "you won't duel them, because you guys know you'll lose". Classic. zero teamwork on their part, in opposition to your teams ideal teamwork.


The funny thing is afterward I went ahead and set the server up as duel. And we still worked em. LOL

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Haha! Rapeage! (is that a word? :D)


It's amazing: no matter how badly these people are raped, they're still all like "We'd own U guys if only you didn't cheat and lame!! We got more skill!"


Yeah right.. :rolleyes:


There were a few quite hilarious comments. Something about grip...totally cracked me up.



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A few comments I loved from the demo that they made toward us:


Arkaris: WTF?!

Miner: You're supposed to bow first!

Arkaris: This sucks

Arkaris: It's too slow (this was in regards to force regen which we had set at the competition standard of 200)

Arkaris: Why grip?

Arkaris: OMG I'm not playing with these lamers THEY JUST GRIP

Miner: We need force higher (in regards to regen again)

Miner: God damn it why set to kill team

Arkaris: Cheap ass

Miner: How can they be using so much force?

Miner: there cheatin

Arkaris their faggots they can't duel us because they'll lose

Arkaris: we own them, they just laming us and cheat

Arkaris: I can't even move, because they grip me, faggets

Arkaris: Enough ****, you guys suck

Miner: Yah cheat, I got absorb at max and getting pulled.


ROFLMFAO. The typical words from a clan that talks smack and then finds out the hard way that they're far from top dog.

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LOL I wasn't saying I was top dog, I was saying that it's hard on newbie clans finding out that they're FAR FROM being top dog, even though they all claim it. There's only one game mode I feel safe in saying we're the best at, that's saber only full force CTF.

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Originally posted by Mr.Joshua

A few comments I loved from the demo that they made toward us:


Arkaris: Why grip?

Arkaris: OMG I'm not playing with these lamers THEY JUST GRIP

Arkaris: Cheap ass

Arkaris their faggots they can't duel us because they'll lose

Arkaris: we own them, they just laming us and cheat

Arkaris: I can't even move, because they grip me, faggets

Arkaris: Enough ****, you guys suck


ROFLMFAO. The typical words from a clan that talks smack and then finds out the hard way that they're far from top dog.

omg Arkaris is that guy you meet in pub games, that no mater how you kill them.. your a cheat and do not play the correct way ( in other words you dont just stand there and do a obi one and let them kill you)
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Originally posted by Tosh_UK

omg Arkaris is that guy you meet in pub games, that no mater how you kill them.. your a cheat and do not play the correct way ( in other words you dont just stand there and do a obi one and let them kill you)


So you're Ranger. I saw you on some [united] server yesterday. I was Padawan :o and I was the top person on the other team for like 3 games. I got kinda fed up and left after I realized I was the only person that could strafe jump.

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Originally posted by Haemon

So you're Ranger. I saw you on some [united] server yesterday. I was Padawan :o and I was the top person on the other team for like 3 games. I got kinda fed up and left after I realized I was the only person that could strafe jump.


trouble with Pub servers (united very common to see it) is that the team are hard to get balanced, I have been in the 1000 score with out capping once, all flag returning. you try to even the teams by going to the other side but the better players follow you, or as soon as your in the lead the better player from the other side leave and makes it very unbalanced. but most of the time I don't mind losing, the only thing that annoys me is I grab the flag, we lose are flag yet my whole team stands next to me trying to guard me... do the think the op team members is going to bring it back for them!!


saying that the server United is a lot better now, they got rid of BS and gun dmg and saber dmg is still very high :)

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lol ctf is jk2 w/ a team full of noobs is the most frustrating team based gaming experience I have ever had in any game.


I have no idea why, because in every single other ctf game be it quake 1/2/3, SoF, any game, your team *always at least tries to shoot the other team members. They may suck and miss every shot but they grasp the concept of killing the guys who are the different color and how it relates to the goal.


But in jk2 CTF for some reason they just ******* stand there guarding an empty base and never leave it...


That and friendly fire or the lack of it in most saber only ctf servers. I’m so used to it being on in every game type I play that it drives me insane when I have a fc lined up with a rage+dfa and just as it’s about to connect… 3 noobs from my own team (who think it is a ffa and are trying to fight each other) go spinning right in front of it and he gets away.

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Originally posted by shock ~ unnamed

lol ctf is jk2 w/ a team full of noobs is the most frustrating team based gaming experience I have ever had in any game.


I have no idea why, because in every single other ctf game be it quake 1/2/3, SoF, any game, your team *always at least tries to shoot the other team members. They may suck and miss every shot but they grasp the concept of killing the guys who are the different color and how it relates to the goal.


But in jk2 CTF for some reason they just ******* stand there guarding an empty base and never leave it...


That and friendly fire or the lack of it in most saber only ctf servers. I’m so used to it being on in every game type I play that it drives me insane when I have a fc lined up with a rage+dfa and just as it’s about to connect… 3 noobs from my own team (who think it is a ffa and are trying to fight each other) go spinning right in front of it and he gets away.


i would be happy in the games i play if team kill was on, as i hate it on a CTF FF Gun game you running after the flag guy with a gun and are trying to shoot him in the back... but that noob thinks that he can do a better job with his saber and is in front of you... lol he is swinging his saber in mid air not doing much apart from stoping ya shots... now if i could kill him that would be soooo much better :p

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Well pubs I hate teamkill. But private pugs or matches team kill really helps. When I come in raging or speed+absorb my hp usually hangs around 30 to 40 and I don't always have a bacta so someone tk's me and takes the flag with full hp and force so he can make the run to the flag. This is mainly used in ctf_yavin because its easy for both teams to be at a standoff or you get pulled so much that you get slowed down and rage runs out. Then you have to run the final stretch slowed down since rage has worn off. In pubs or smaller 3v3's or 2v2's you just have to self detonate.

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Friendly fire in CTF would be interesting. It would actually cut down on the effectiveness of speed raging, especially on defense. I HATE large pub CTF games. Which is one of the many reasons I never play on Diverse or X servers. I can't stand the lack of organization and newbies standing right in front of me, running very slowly while i'm trying to catch up to the FC. It drives me insane. Also, since every american server other then FK seems obsessed with taking out everything in the game that they can't compete with, and the euro servers insist on pick ups, I only really play when FK server has some players on it.

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You can't have friendly fire in pubs anymore. While back in the early days of Q3 and UT there would be one or two *******s going around teamkilling, in jk2 as soon as people find that FF is on, they start being idiots and creating havok TKing. Not to mention how many times a newb has joined our server while I've held the flag and the idiot comes and attacks me instead of the opposing team's guy charging at me. Just too much lack of knowledge for pubs to have FF enabled in jk2.

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