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what do you do when your char is erased


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Once again...if you'd look at the sticky threads above you would know.


When a character's name shows up, but their galaxy is gone and they only have on boxers and an undershirt, then that means your server is down temporarily...not that your character has been deleted or screwed up.

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Originally posted by darthfergie

Once again...if you'd look at the sticky threads above you would know.


When a character's name shows up, but their galaxy is gone and they only have on boxers and an undershirt, then that means your server is down temporarily...not that your character has been deleted or screwed up.



Oaky darth thanks for calming me down. Whew I thought it was something like that. I'll check that thread to see if you can transfer your char then

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Jeez Naphtali, di you leave any room for advanced professions? lol


Yeah, Darth is right though, this is a common occurence when your server loses connection to the login server. Your appearance and name are stored on your PC, but your stats and items are stored on the server. So if it is down entirely then you will see your naked bum sporting the Michael Jordan attire (Hanes). :D

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