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Sky Box problem


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On the camera control screen, be sure you check the "Render Landscape" option under Settings / Options. Otherwise it will just render the sky, which is what you seem to have. ;)


Also, be sure the image is a *jpg* when you put your final skybox together.

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Thanks! That was it however, when I try it in game I havea black and white grid???


This is my shader....




qer_editorimage textures/jc2/sky.tga

q3map_surfacelight 200

surfaceparm sky

surfaceparm noimpact

surfaceparm nomarks



skyParms textures/jc/ 512 -


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Did you render all six images with the same exact render/camera settings, altering only the camera view angle? It looks like you changed the zoom value (remember, it has to be 1 not 1.414) or moved the camera...


If you wrote down the settings for the five correct images, just put the camera back and render the 6th. If not...looks like you'll have to rerender the whole thing. :p

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Originally posted by Lil_Killa

try typing sv_pure 0 before loading your map.


If this sounds harsh, please try to understand that it is NOT directed at you.


We have got to STOP telling rookies about sv_pure 0. That is the main reason that so many maps go out with missing textures (which really kills many maps).


People, if you CAN'T see your textures in-game, it's because they either are not in proper dimensions (power of 2), proper format (.jpg or .tga) or are not in a pk3.


If you tell mappers to use sv_pure 0 it will look fine on their computer, but when they go to release it they will not pak up those textures. And then when someone else tries to play it, it'll end up looking like crap with all the missing textures.


So remember:


"Only you can prevent sv_pure 0."

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