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Timothy Zhans books to movies.

ET Warrior

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I was just reading The conquerors trilogy (VERY good books) by Timothy Zhan, and I thought, you know, his books are so good WHY aren't they movies? The Icarus Hunt would make a wonderful movie if it was done right, and this conquerors trilogy would also be really fantastic made into 3 movies....



Waht do you guys think? Know of any other good books by T. Zhan that would make good movies?

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Originally posted by InsaneSith

I enjoy zahn's book. I enjoyed the Dark Force Rising book.



I forgot about those.....good books aswell. If you enjoyed those I think you would DEFFINATELY enjoy the conquerors trilogy. Look into if you like readin.

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The setting is way into the future, and mankind has spread onto 24 different worlds and so on, made contact with many alien races, fought some and conquered them, and so on. but then they run into a new alien race who opens fire on them at first contact, and a huge war starts, and these aliens are much tough.



The really cool part is the first book is all from the humans point of view, but the second book continues the story from the aliens point of view, not recapping what happened in the first one, but continuing along the timeline. And then the third wraps it up by using both points of view. Quite deffinately one of the best trilogy's I've ever read......




Now who here thinks that wouldn't make an awesome movie?

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The THrawn quintet was definately one of the best EU novel sets... but hten look what that is in comparisson too...


I always thought he relied too much on cooincidence and character overthinking things (and then ending up doing the stupid thing anyway)... but his basic plotlines and characters were cool...


I like the idea of that trilogy though... might look it up.

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