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Yay, anothe rproblem.


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OK, I couldn't figure out the last problem, so I downloads GTKRadiant 1.3.8 Beta. Now, its basically the same as JKRadiant. Anywho, I make the map, etc. I go to play it. It has a Bsp! HORRAY! But theres another problem now! Boo! As soon as it finished loading the level, it beings me to the main page, and says can't find a spawning point. Isn't that the info_player_start thing? I know I put that in. So, now what do I do. Thanks.... again. :D


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I would check again and make absolutly sure u have a spawn point. If u do make sure it's in the map and that your map is tall enoughtto walk around in. If that doesn't work than your screwed....... lol j/k someone else might have a solution.

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Originally posted by Lil Killa

I would check again and make absolutly sure u have a spawn point. If u do make sure it's in the map and that your map is tall enoughtto walk around in. If that doesn't work than your screwed....... lol j/k someone else might have a solution.


Thanks everyone. I decided not to do a SP map, anyways, since not many people download them, and it would be much harder to do for a first timer. :)

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A lot of people will download SP maps, you just have to make sure it doesn't suck. Strangely enough, crappy levels like Mainframe and such have like 20,000 downloads here. I don't know how that stuff gets so many.

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Originally posted by Lil Killa

lol good thinking mp maps imho are easier but i would sugest u practice a bit before u release anything. (hone your skillz so you can come out with a good map as your first released one.)


I actually made a pretty good map. :) Howveer, it doesn't have its own textures or bot support. Its a Yavin Type level, and there's a neat waterfall. :) There are many floating platforms, and 2 dueling platforms. But like I msaid, I had to use all ready made textures, sinc eI couldn't make my own. But its still pretty cool. :)

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Originally posted by imyourfather

I assume you meant to load it in the MP and make some bots.


No I meant Single player. type /devmap then the name of the bsp u want to load then to spawn an npc i think you type /npcspawn reborn for a reborn and then replace reborn with the name of another npc and they pop up. tada

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Originally posted by Lil Killa

No I meant Single player. type /devmap then the name of the bsp u want to load then to spawn an npc i think you type /npcspawn reborn for a reborn and then replace reborn with the name of another npc and they pop up. tada


Yeh, You can play MP maps in SP, I think, too. ;)

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Originally posted by ZBomber

Yeh, You can play MP maps in SP, I think, too. ;)


:rolleyes: Is ANYONE listening? I'm saying YOU yes YOU can load a MULTIPLAYER MAP in SINGLE PLAYER. sorry if it looks like i freaked out there but you ppl just don't seem to be paying attention:(

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