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The New Battle System Is Here!

Boba Rhett

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Originally posted by STTCT

the forums suck right now - ahh - its okay - growing pains


Anyways yes....less final fantasy and more LF stuff. But we can't have it all. I'd like to play someone but I'm stuck in a battle. Zbomber's comp messed up or something. Or it hung up on his end and now I can't play!


Heh overnight I guess SH challenged me and he didn't fill out the Password, so it made it " " I could get to the "Accept Challenge" screen but after that I got an invalid battle number/password error. It turned out that what happened was is that in the url it was battlekey=continuingon.... rather than battlekey=%20continuingon so I just threw in the space and it worked. :) Took awhile I and was despising SH for awhile but I'm over it now. ;)

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Originally posted by pbguy1211

am i high? the only link i can find is the battle thread on the main page... where are all these things like the rules and any kind of info?


There are none, you're just gonna have to explore for a while I guess...YD and I found out a few things, but since it's valuable I'm not quite willing to openly share it yet...

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This forum is EXTREMELY slow for me. In the gamegen.com forum, they have one of these already...so therefore, i have some experience with this. Here are a few pointers:


1) This thing induces SPAM.


2) There should be a forum for battles....(i think we have one already)


3) People will ask ALOT of question about the system, even though there is a page with insructions.....


Also, im desperate to try this out. Anyone want to battle a lv. 1?


Once i try this thing, i'll compare it to the one at Gamegen. From what it seems, the one at gamgen is better.

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it doesn't matter if there's instructions, what we need is stats, STATS STATS STATS! Tell us why we should choose which classes, what each element does, the advantages of either being light or dark...*sigh*...with every good thing it seems there must be a bad thing to cancel it out.

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2 Gil a battle is really crap, they should make it 3, 4 or 5 because its going to take 5 posts just to get 10 gil..


And you need about 100 gil to get a weapon so thats about 1000 posts to get 2000 gil.. :| *Confused*

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Originally posted by Kanjo past

2 Gil a battle is really crap, they should make it 3, 4 or 5 because its going to take 5 posts just to get 10 gil..


And you need about 100 gil to get a weapon so thats about 1000 posts to get 2000 gil.. :| *Confused*


They gave you all that money in the beginning and made healing so cheap that you can just make money on wagers :).

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I suck at this :p


I've had two battles so far, and I've gotten my butt handed to me on a silver plate both times.


Don't buy brass knuckles! They miss every time!

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I just wonder what's going on with LF's servers lately...


No doubt the battle hack has put some stress on it, but that's not entirely at fault...:|

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*hurries to post*

Isn't this system gonna discourage new ppl from joining the forums? I mean Rhett, woops i mean the ppl who will have played too much, wooooooops i mean the ppl will be too strong to play against a newbie no?

I guess theres always the guy who doesn't really play like me :)

Anyhow, I read that battles inactive for 48h are automatiically TERMINATED. Does this mean that if you are about to loose you can just run away from your computer and wait until the battle is TERMINATED ?

Man, I hope I didn't ruin the system just there. . .hehehehe*evil laughs*hehehe, crap! im still on. . .;)

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