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The Comparison...

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This is my comparison between the battle system of Lucasforums with that of Gamegen's. This info is based on my battle with SH. Thanks for the fight :).


The look: advantage goes to Lucasforums. In gamegen, all you see is a sentence saying you hit them for x amount of hp. At least you see the two fighters here. Though, it would be better if the sprites moved with the fight.


Play: draw. They basically play the exact same way.


Randomness: Avantage goes to Gamegen. There, all the attack don't do five damage...sometimes the attacks miss or do very little damage.



Addictiveness: Advantage goes to Gamegen. The battle system and its accesories makes it WAY more addicting than ours.


Variety: Draw. Even though this battle system has more accesories, Gamegen has ALOT more fighters to choose from. I believe this balances out.


Overall: Advantage goes to Gamegen. There, they are totally changing the whole forum....battle system and all. This is why they have been closed for a week or so. When it reopens we can mix items to create new ones and we'll have a ton of more items added to the shop. They are also getting more specials, which are very well balanced out.


Winner: Gamegen. It is just better to me. Don't get me wrong, i like our system, but i have a few complaints about it.


If you feel i missed something or want me to explain something, just ask.


I guess im off to fight Rhett!



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