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Better than Starwars.com or any other site. . .

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Its. . .http://www.angelfire.com/mb2/poc3000/

Im surprised this site hasnt been found yet. . .It looks amazing, with updates every hour or so!!!!!!

And guess who played a role in its creation. . .

Sorry, its in french but theres not much text. . .



Cmon guys I was in sec.1 or 7th grade anywhere else than Qc and my friend was harassing me to help him on his site.


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Originally posted by krkode

Why are Nute Gunray and Watto in the Sith list? Is there something we don't know ;)


Hehe, no biggie. It does look like someone put a lot of work into this, though. Good job!:)


Cmon man theyre evil, and we didnt know where to put them. .

Thx for the support ! I feel better now. . .:)

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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

You need a better description for Yoda ;)


It looks good, I'm still in the process of reading it all. It's a remarkable site for a sec 1 student.


Yeah, we didnt know what to write about the characters, but we wanted to say at least somethin


BTW, everything is taken from other sites, only the images (slightly modified) and the text is original !


Good site for SW wallpapers : http://www.telesto.de

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Actually, Another_Trooper wasn't alone to design this web page. I'm going at the same school, and I know the other guy. He also *tried* to design a LotR site. Even though it's no longer updated, it's in English so you can read it.


Just to make sure you understand, Party Joe = another_trooper, DarthMuffin = me and Poc = somebody (you don't want to know his name...)

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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

I'm sure there's at least a Canadian or Dutch admin...is there any?


Anyway we can still overrun the place....!!!!!!!!!!!!


*rampaging around with Rambo's magic infinite bullets guns:uzi1:


Who needs an admin to overrun a place???


We got our mounties :D (and they're not to be underestimated)

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Originally posted by Sithmaster_821

Jeez, its all in French. Now I have to think :mad:


Good luck trying to take over the forum, Luke. You'd probably have a better shot starting with GD seeing that there's like 2 people still there, and one of them is Windu;)


You can still try our incredible LotR web page! (no updates at all, but the main page is nice to look at :))


For the forums : with some help from the Dutch it will be a piece o' cake :D

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