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Hate-O-Meter of Monkey Combat

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Hate, eh? Erm..... Can't say I hated it - even if LucasArts did something TERRIBLE, I don't think I could hate a Monkey Island concept. Though this was the most tedious of all sections of all Monkey Island's, i'll give it a 4. The first time through, it amused me, though after that: not interested.




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Originally posted by Carl Shutt

What a stupid thread.


Carl. Thats typically a reply of yours .. there may be places where it doesnt should be located..


Nick you are getting better..




Monkey Combat gets 4 "they dont need to make it better/otherwise"-Points ..

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here we go again... I'm sorry people but I didn't have issue with it myself, It was a humorous spin on the standard insult swordfighting, and it wasn't too hard to get too annoying.


I will give it 2 out of 10 because it could very slightly drag on, but in all honesty, it could of been done a lot worse than it was.

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I liked Monkey Combat, i thought it was real easy

and btw not every part of the game can be easy to complete, otherwise it would get booooooooring. i give it -250/10 :p

(not realy) i thought it was funny if you lost (you know, the italian f*** you) and if you won the Michael Jackson-thingy

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I didn't hate it at all. In fact, I really liked it. It looked cool, was moderately fun and served as a pleasent break from the normal puzzle format.


That said, a win fight cheat might have been nice for the less patient. But then I guess you might as well have a complete puzzle cheat and that would suck.

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the funny thing about it is .. it took me 2 days to solve the final fight vs. lechuck. and after that i ended up like


*bangs his head to the desk several times*



(hey.. NO hints used..! ok?)



but another thing is .. i fought this speaking (what was the name??) ape by the first time and the other ones too ..


and it happens to slow .. it just doesnt moves forward .. eek ack oop, oop ack eek, eek eek eek, eek oop ack .. nah. silly.

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A thread about Monkey Kombat seems reasonable compared to other threads here anyway.


yeah, you're right. okay, i'll participate i guess. on a scale of 1 to 10, i'd have to hate monkey kombat at about a 5. it wasn't too bad, all you had to do was fill in a chart and then just battle. except that it's kind of just busy work filling in a chart and then matching up all that stuff. and the rules really confused me, like how it says you can switch back, but i didn't konw which combo to use and it was a big nightmare. but overall, i don't think it was too bad.

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Originally posted by JawaJoey

I liked Monkey Kombat. It can get a little tedious, but I liked it.


But I don't see why guybrush didn't just take the bronze hat. (I mean, he's just a monkey right?) :D


If it was anyone else but Guybrush, then yes. ;)


And i'd give it a 5 as I didn't mind it, I would have just preferred something else. But as something that's new (and they couldn't possibly have known how well it would do at the time) it was okay.

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on a scale of 1 - 10, I'll give it an 8.



1.It sucked

2.It sucked

3.It sucked

4.It sucked

5.look at 1,2,3 and 4. ;)


But realy, it was soooo anoying: OOP EEK ACK... I'm sorry but how lame is that? And the ending fight, what was the point?


OK, so I'm being a bit harsh I know, but I just this that the sword fighting, insulting, you fight like a cow type fights are better.


One other reson I HATE it is something went wrong with my computer and so it kept crashing, so therefore, I had to do it over and over again. It was so so so so boring/anoying.


(with that last point as my main reson to hate it, am I a bit harsh?)

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Originally posted by Cutthroat_Nick

How many HATES out of 10 do you give the Concept of Monkey Combat-

10 being most hates; and

1 being least hates (and an insane sticker on forehead!?!?!?!!)


IGIVE MONKEY COMBAT 10 HATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I sense much hatred in you. Beware, for it is the path to the Dark Side. :yoda:

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Monkey Combat was hard. Too hard. I lost me nerves whit it. I tried to collect all the "ack oop eck"s to change my position from drunken monkey to anxious ape and sometimes they just didn't work.

I was nearly braindamaged because of it and so i went to net to get the answers for the ackoopeecks. Schait. :mad:

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