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You are all so hateful

Miss Sixty

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Yeah. It was amusing how in CMI LeChuck claims to have gotten rid of H.T. Marley by boarding his ship, torturing him then letting him go into a whirlpool. While in EMI, H.T. Marley says that he was pushed by Ozzy while in a race, and never even mentions LeChuck.



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Very true.


All of the facts and explanations are in Mi1 and Mi2. Curse was smart enough to not get too deeply involved with what the makers didn't understand or didn't want to meddle with, and created an original story. The whole thing with LeChuck going to Blood Island works and is completely plausible. CMI doesn't overplay its hand, and is better for it. This is to clear up any misunderstanding that I do not like CMI.


I'm not saying that Monkey Island sequels should always have a totally independent story like CMI, but if it is going to go back to previous islands, stories, etc., it should be but done correctly and competently.

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I think William Shatner said it best when he said...


"Get a life ... people. For cryin' out loud! It's just a TV show!"


In this case change "TV show" into "Video game"


But, I have to admit I'm as obsessed as any of you.

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I'm new here, so I dont want to get dragged into an arguement, but I've been playing MI ever since it was first made and the first two I loved. I liked the third and fourth almost as much, but they didn't have the same atmosphere about them. They were written by different people though, and in many ways, yeh thats a bad thing, cause the first two were great, but if they didnt want to make any more, thats up to them.


Be glad that they did carry on the games, after all, it is just a game. A damn good game, But still just a game.


If no-one had made three and four, then we would only have one and two. Be glad that someone bothered to make them. If you think theyre so bad, I'd like to see you make anything better.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by hellomoto

the first two I loved. I liked the third and fourth almost as much, but they didn't have the same atmosphere about them.


Bang on. The 3rd and 4th games were great games.....but for me lacked the atmosphere and a certain 'magic' that the first two had.


If you're comparing them simply as 'games' then the 3rd is probably the best, but for a magical atmospherical 'experience'.......you just cant beat the first two......

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