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Visit The Whole Tri-Island Area!


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I would love to see in Monkey Island 5 the chance to visit all of the Tri-Island Area and not just some of it. Visit the Islands from the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th installments of the game.


And Also I want to see the reappearance of Murray, Carla, Ottis, and Mr. I Cheese.




Game Quote:

"Hey it's Timmy The Monkey!"- Guybrush MI4

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I would like to revisit some old islands and see some old characters, but not too much. There's a limited amount of development time given to a game before it has to be released, and I would rather have quality rather than quantity.

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Originally posted by FireCam (Jonas)

Plunder only exists in Funkey Island, it has nothing to do with Monkey Island! :guybrush:


Anybody that dosen't agree with me is a yeti :chew1


I can't really agree with you considering I have no idea what you're on about. Please make your posts make sense.


And the TrI-Island area cosists of Melee, PLunder and Booty as main island, but like the Bermuda Triangle anything in the region of the triangle made by those three islands are also part of the tri-island area, so that would mean just about all of the island in MI2 and probably blood and skull isnalds.

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Hmmm. It would be a whole lot of fun to be able to explore the entire area...but Gabez also has a good point, and if I had to choose between quantity and quality, I'd go with quality.


I think it's partly that the adventure game genre doesn't really lend itself well to too much exploring. If there are too many possible places to go, you get way too lost and confused. At least I do. Expert adventure game players may feel differently, and I must admit I am anything but an expert.


I suppose it's just one of those things that's the decision of the game designers.

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Originally posted by Neil Joshi

I can't really agree with you considering I have no idea what you're on about. Please make your posts make sense.


What I'm saying is that MI1 & MI2 is the only REAL Monkey Island games, the two others is just some flying-without-wings-and-brain----THING! So the islands that was invented doing CMI & EMI dosen't excist in any part of the real game. Therefore, Plunder is OUT, since it appeard in CMI for the first time.

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Originally posted by EnchiladaMan

It appears there are a number of *ahem* "yetis," here.




Personally, I don't see the MI games working as anything but an adventure game. Possibly a regular RPG, but they just don't have the right...feel...or background...to be an MMORPG.


Partly I suppose it's because I'm disillusioned with MMORPGs in general. *shrug*

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  • 2 weeks later...

i whole heartedly agree with all you gilbert fans out there. Funkey island is lame. CMI owuld have rocked as its own game. but i thought i should have at least treid to continue the story of MI.

my dream is that when after monkey island five comes out. lucasarts lisence is up right? so rony can but it back!!!!!!!!!!!1

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Ok, though my opinions are not nearly 1/10 as strong as all of those posting some anit-MI3, MI4 stuff here, I'll side with them on SMALL details. I will (of course) consider all island ISLANDS, whether they appeared in MI1,2,3, or 4. Personally, I still find the whole Marley/Toothrot thing a bit odd, but I'm coming around.


Why is it that I share opinions with people around here who are all new (like me) yet seemingly unexperienced at thinking or typing. Or spelling.






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  • 2 weeks later...

okay, i'll give my opinion. i think it would be nice to go to the places within the tri-island area. oops, wait. i think it would be nice to go to the places within the tri-island area (just so nobody pounces on me), such as the "forbidden nonagon" and the "forbidden dexaquadrahedron" or whatever. i think that being able to go to all of the islands in there would be interesting, but obviously, like gabez said, they only have a limited amount of time. perhaps if they just drew the islands and then you could go on there, but there'd be nothing there, or something? maybe a few people that you could talk to, but that'd be it. no real puzzles there or anything. i dunno. maybe just create some more islands within that area and a few other miscellaneous islands that you can't visit. of course, if you couldn't visit an island, then i'm sure some newbie would pop up in here and complain about it, much like newbies did with pinchpenny island, including myself (i think). but i think they should go to some new islands like they did in mi4, and that they need a little variation. maybe have about 5 islands and they're all completely different. example: one island has the cannibals on it, one island is the tourist island (like jambalaya or whatever it's called), one is filled with fluffy pink bunnies or something, one is the dark, shady pirate island (like melee in mi1), and the other one is just monkey island. see, instead of dispersing those throughout the games, and had they put them all in one game, that would've been good. maybe in mi5 they could revisit all of the islands that you've travelled to in the previous mi games or something. i dunno. just thought i'd share my opinion.


hey, you know what'd really suck? is if they said the "five game contract" thing to keep us dangling and then they never made an mi5. which could be the case, but let's hope not. ;)

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I would preferably want to visit the Tri-Island area of Booty, Scabb and Phatt again, althought since CMI that term seems to include pretty nearly all the islands. And Firecam, while I do prefer MI1+2 to MI3+4, you cannot ignore the latter as "Funkey Island", you just have to accept the two as good games and hope that maybe one day Ron can get back the rights ... somehow.

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