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I know they alredy made the weapons for JA, i just want to know ur opinion...


I thought the new JO weapons was kinda lame... The Df and JK weapons rocked,,, but JO felt lame... some weapons were never used!


Anyway, i want to know which weapons you want to have included... Old/New/Your own made up...


Everything :)

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I will admit, the non-saber weapons in JK2 SP "felt weak" or "felt inaccurate" or else the AI were given more hit points than your average MP player.


Anyway, somehow they felt "off" and I found myself wishing Stormtroopers would die as easily as the bots in MP.


Anyway, I don't know if LA/Raven will improve them this time around or not. It sounds like their solution is to focus the game more on sabers, because in the first game they admitted they weren't sure that "the saber would really catch on" so they gave players other guns for the first few missions (I guess they figured it'd been such a long time since MotS, which started you with a saber and force).


However, the other weapons in SP worked great in JK/MotS, since they were the same as multiplayer. So who knows.


Just for fun, I'm going to list all the weapons that have been confirmed in screenshots, videos, or reports so far for JA:


BlasTech DL-44 (Han Solo's blaster, I'm guessing to replace the Bryar)


BlasTech E-11 (ST Rifle)


DEMP-2 (Jawa gun)


Heavy Repeater




Laser Trip Mines


Thermal Detonators


Bowcastor (wookie crossbow)


Concussion Rifle


Single, Dual, and Double Bladed Lightsabers


Will Det Packs, Flechette and Merr-Sonn re-appear? Who knows...

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Just for fun, I'm going to list all the weapons that have been confirmed in screenshots, videos, or reports so far for JA:


BlasTech DL-44 (Han Solo's blaster, I'm guessing to replace the Bryar)

Wonder what this will be like ...


BlasTech E-11 (ST Rifle)

You know, it couldn't shoot straight in JK/MotS either ... but the enhanced AI of the stormies, and the need to aim to hit, made it feel worse ...


DEMP-2 (Jawa gun)
Nice for mechs ... but more fun was using lightning!


Heavy Repeater
I liked this for the splash damage against Galak, and for a speed-shoot combo.


I would have been quite happy with the scoped E-11 like in MotS, but the way they did the scope on this was very cool ...


Thermal Detonators

Saw a belt floating mid-air in a screenshot on GameSpy.


Bowcastor (wookie crossbow)

Better than JK/MotS ... at least it shot straight ...


Concussion Rifle

I have mixed feelings - I think this will be cool, but don't we already have enough wide area, splash damage weapons?


Single, Dual, and Double Bladed Lightsabers
They're going to give us a saber?!?! COOL :)


Will Det Packs, Flechette and Merr-Sonn re-appear? Who knows...
You can see the flechette in at least one screenshot on Gamespy (outdoor level, Stormy getting choked), and they have mentioned the Merr-Sonn - I don't care between that and the Rail shooter from JK. Det Packs, who knows.
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Are laser trip mines confirmed? I don't think I've seen any of those in screenshots yet. :confused:


As for the other weapons, I've updated the FAQ based on what I've seen in screenies, and the Gamespy article. The Flechette appears in a screenshot, and the missile launcher is mentioned in the article. It basically says all of JO's weapons are returning, apart from a few alterations (like a Blastech DL-44 instead of the Bryar I would imagine).


So I'll be honest and say I'm a bit disappointed by that. I would have liked to see just a few of the better weapons return from JO, and the others get swapped out for alternatives. But there you have it...that's the way things are, and considering the emphasis is on Saber-play, maybe it won't be all that noticeable. If they really are going to limit your weapon loadout per mission, then we'll have to be more selective anyway.


I certainly hope they look more closely at increasing weapon variety for any potential future titles.

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Originally posted by StormHammer

Are laser trip mines confirmed? I don't think I've seen any of those in screenshots yet. :confused:


As for the other weapons, I've updated the FAQ based on what I've seen in screenies, and the Gamespy article. The Flechette appears in a screenshot, and the missile launcher is mentioned in the article. It basically says all of JO's weapons are returning, apart from a few alterations (like a Blastech DL-44 instead of the Bryar I would imagine).


So I'll be honest and say I'm a bit disappointed by that. I would have liked to see just a few of the better weapons return from JO, and the others get swapped out for alternatives. But there you have it...that's the way things are, and considering the emphasis is on Saber-play, maybe it won't be all that noticeable. If they really are going to limit your weapon loadout per mission, then we'll have to be more selective anyway.


I certainly hope they look more closely at increasing weapon variety for any potential future titles.


I was a bit disappointed as well, but hopefully the changes will make things a bit better (esp the conc). I'm assuming that I won't care much as I'll have my ancient weapons and hokey religions from the start this time ;)


All the weapons I would like at my disposal:

- basic blaster (when all else fails)

- sniper weapon

- something like the SoFII shotgun

- repeater


The rest I really don't care about ... I also don't care if enemies have weapons I don't. That would make an interesting 'secret' - a cool weapon you can only get once in the game, from an enemy in a hidden room.



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heh. most of the time i didn't realise i HAD a new weapon until about 2 levels after i had picked it up. :( Several I never used.


Not going to happen, but ideally I'd go for:

- Fists

for knocking out disarmed people


- BlasTech DL-44 or Bryar Pistol

Blastech being chargable, Bryar faster


- BlasTech E-11 (ST Rifle)

But not the useless on from JO that couldn't hit stationary targets and that fires from 3 feet to your left if you were strafing right


- DEMP-2 (Jawa gun)

Made more useful. (and more like the film) More like the emp from Deus Ex. Very effective on shields. Disables robots for a few seconds. Has NO effect on life forms, but disables their current weapon (so they have to re-enable it). Secondary fire is a ion beam. Same effects, but can cover wider area.


- Heavy Repeater

This was only really useful gun in JO


- Long Barreled Projectile Rifle (Like Tuskens or Aurra Sing uses)

Fires slowly. can be blocked, but not returned. Secondary fire is sniper mode.


- Laser Trip Mines

Can only be diabled with DEMP, shielded agains other weapons.


- Thermal Detonators

But actually powered up a bit. They are a pain to aim, so it would be nice if when you got one in the middle of a small group of troopers it actually killed them.


- Bowcastor (wookie crossbow)

Never really used this weapon. but i like it's presence... and the shooting round corners bit can be cool sometimes.


- Concussion Rifle

Like JK. Slightly less damage, slightly larger area, more displacement. Unblockable, but push detonates.

Secondary fire... not like JK, something that has an area effect, giving it a weakness in close quarters. Maybe the ability to overload.


- Dett Packs and Mines.



Oh, and with the "items" like remotes and turrets, i just ended up saving them for something special... then never actually used them. Having the game split into "Missions" and getting to select new loadouts for each one would at least mean i didn't hoard stuff.

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Originally posted by toms

Not going to happen, but ideally I'd go for:

- Fists

for knocking out disarmed people

Oh Yeah!


- BlasTech DL-44 or Bryar Pistol

Blastech being chargable, Bryar faster

What does that mean - BlasTech being chargeable?


- BlasTech E-11 (ST Rifle)

But not the useless on from JO that couldn't hit stationary targets and that fires from 3 feet to your left if you were strafing right


That's why the E-11 from MotS was the perfect weapon (I used it second only to the saber) - it was very inaccurate, but less so than in JO ... and the stormies were more obliging about standing still while I popped shots at them ;) Plus secondary mode scoped sniper ... really nice.


- DEMP-2 (Jawa gun)

Made more useful. (and more like the film) More like the emp from Deus Ex. Very effective on shields. Disables robots for a few seconds. Has NO effect on life forms, but disables their current weapon (so they have to re-enable it). Secondary fire is a ion beam. Same effects, but can cover wider area.


Very nice idea. In a loadout scenario you'd be very selective about choosing THAT!


- Bowcastor (wookie crossbow)

Never really used this weapon. but i like it's presence... and the shooting round corners bit can be cool sometimes.


I almost exclusively use secondary fire - it's more powerful as well. Never touch it after Yavin, but you just can't have the game without it ...


- Concussion Rifle

Like JK. Slightly less damage, slightly larger area, more displacement. Unblockable, but push detonates.

Secondary fire... not like JK, something that has an area effect, giving it a weakness in close quarters. Maybe the ability to overload.


I would actually hope that secondary is shotgun-like.


Oh, and with the "items" like remotes and turrets, i just ended up saving them for something special... then never actually used them.
Absolutely - I've played the remotes a couple of times, but they are annoying, and seldom do much. Never used a turret once ...



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blastech like the pistol in MotS, secondary fire can overload it and cause a more powerful blast.


I liked the secondary fire of the concussion in JK, but people always felt the conc was overpowered. Giving it no close range options would be one way to give it a weakness, as it would be a liability of they could close the distance on you.


Or maybe it could be a shotgun blast of air that "force pushes" them away.


I'd also like a weapon that works like that purple one in unreale tournament (the one with the slower flying ball, but if you hit it with the faster secondary fire it has a bigger effect.). Always liked that idea, though im not sure which weapon it would work for...


While we are talking dream setups, id also like the option to have a pistol in my left hand and a saber in my right.

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If the Imperial Repeater comes back (and it's likely it will, I think) I would like it so that the player can defend themselves from the secondary fire (energy grenade thing) with a Force push, just like enemy Jedi can (in JO).


Also, I think enemy Jedi should carry the odd gun or two just to make it a bit more interesting. They wouldn't really use it during a fight, but sometimes when they are a certain distance from you they should see that some weapons might be more useful than a saber throw.

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If the Imperial Repeater comes back (and it's likely it will, I think) I would like it so that the player can defend themselves from the secondary fire (energy grenade thing) with a Force push, just like enemy Jedi can (in JO).


You can already do that in JO.

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Said it before and I'll say it again... aside from the weak multiplayer modes, the weaponset (non saber) was the second most disappointing thing in the game.


The Trifecta of Triteness.... Rocket Launcher, MP5 w/ Grenade Launcher, and Flak Cannon.


I can't believe the Mersonn, Heavy Rep, and Flechette gun might be returning....


They managed to combine the two most boring weapons in Dark Forces... the Repeater and the Mortar Gun... to make the Star Wars equivalent of the mp5 w/ grenade launcher ala Half-Life.


The flechette was a good idea in theory but poorly executed. Primary was almost a dead on duplicate of the UT flak cannon and secondary fire was a dead ringer for...well...pick just about any game with a stand alone grenade launcher.


Mersonn.... UG... worst thing to pick from the EU ever. Star Wars really does not need a ROCKET LAUNCHER. Yeah, the railgun in JK fired explosive projectiles, but secondary "sticky" mode was one of the must fun gun experiences in the game. Instead we get homing projectiles? ZZZZzzzzzZZZZZzzz. They were more fun to use in MotS. I hate hate hate this weapon.


If I want to play with other standard fair, tried and now boring weapons I'll go play Raven's other FPSes. I don't play in the Star Wars Universe for a Soldier of Fortune experience. Grrr.

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ok here i smy weapon list i would like to see.


1. lightsabers

2.han solos gun

3. e-11 but with scope

4. the repeter

5. rail detonator

6. dark trooper gun{from df}

7. concussion rifle

8. the gun the rebels had on endor, looks like a machine gun

9. det pack/trip mines/thermal detonators

10. sniper rifle, better than jo's



thats what i would love to have in jk/ja

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Originally posted by taekwondo joe

ok here i smy weapon list i would like to see.


1. lightsabers

2.han solos gun

3. e-11 but with scope

4. the repeter

5. rail detonator

6. dark trooper gun{from df}

7. concussion rifle

8. the gun the rebels had on endor, looks like a machine gun

9. det pack/trip mines/thermal detonators

10. sniper rifle, better than jo's



thats what i would love to have in jk/ja


I second that!!

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The fusion cutter from DF! :D I think it didn't make much sense in the SW universe, but it was at least cooler than the bowcaster.


And the rail detonator from JK instead of the Merr Sonn. It was wonderful, though somewhat ugly. Perfect surprise for the MP-opponent that huns you :D


I don't remember the dark trooper gun from df... was it that plasma launcher/assault cannon on the 0-key or was it something else you couldn't pick up :confused:


The concussion rifle is welcome IMO. MAybe I remember wrong but wasn't it's primary blockable in JK? Unless you hit someone by the feet of course.

Didn't you love it in DF? So sadistically powerful... Utter overkill. But funny to clear out a room full of enemies in one shot :)

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Originally posted by Thazac

The fusion cutter from DF! :D I think it didn't make much sense in the SW universe, but it was at least cooler than the bowcaster.


I didn't like the Fusion Cutter - as soon as I got the repeater I never used it again ... I didn't like the Bowcaster in JK either ... at least you could kill people with it in JKII ... and it is SO Star Wars ...


And the rail detonator from JK instead of the Merr Sonn. It was wonderful, though somewhat ugly. Perfect surprise for the MP-opponent that huns you :D


That choice doesn't matter to me - they are both just generic FPS missles, regardless of EU justification ... though I agree with Sargasso that sticky mode for the Rails is more fun :)



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You know, considering that the devs have stated that you should be able to simply 'drop in' your own lightsaber hilts for lightsaber customisation in SP, it occurs to me that it would be great if you could do that with the other weapons too. I'm not sure, but it probably would not be too hard to just substitute an alternative weapon model/skin...but problems would arise in terms of the coding for particular weapons, and their associated sounds and special FX. Obviously mod crews (like those working on DF and DF2E) can do all of this kind of thing using the MP SDK, but it would be great if the SP part of the game allowed for this kind of weapon swapping, or even a weapon modification screen.


Heh...I'd love to have even an alternative skin for particular weapons, so you can customise the look of your blaster rifle - maybe add some skull and crossbones to the side to show your number of kills. :D

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