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Employee Of The Week

Bob Gnarly

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Who likes Family Guy!!!


The conterversal Fox tv show has been out on DVD for awhile and i finally got my hands on a copy, to bad they cancelled the show i use to watch it religiously but now its like owning my own personal jesus....that i can pop in the DVD player and watch.....:confused: Anyways yeah it rocks :p


Kiss Saves Christmas.


Kiss: Take this guitar santa and next time we visit you'll play the guitar too.


Miss. Clause: oh Dont encourage him!

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Family guys was the best show ! :D


4 of the best moments :

1.I think its when Peter has to become death (the grim reaper) for a few days. When the real reaper announces the news to the whole family, theres a close up on everyone (individually) going : Oh, my god! and theres a close up on a giant octopus at the end for no reason whatsoever:D


2.Peter ruins the whole acting thing for Lois, and after she screams at him for being an ignorant fool, he just farts for like 2 minutes


3.Peter is sentenced to jail at the end of an episode, once again theres a closeup on his family saying oh, no and theres the coolaid man who just burst in through a wall and says : ohhh yeeaaaaaaa! Everybody just stares at him, he leaves.


4Stewie . nuff said

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LMAO that was a funny episode


Everybody knows teridactils hate the song of guitars!



THe show was cancelled after 50 episodes because it was too controversal on FOX. The sponsors didn't want to plug the show, bummer. The ratings at the time were higher than most of the animated shows on fox including King of the Hill. :cool:



Family Guy ROCKS!

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Its on 3 times a day here, 5 if i buy the channel Cartoon Network, right now im stuck watching it once on Teletoon (canadian Cartoon Network) and twice on TBS, you should get that channel also. I heard that Cartoon Network wants to re launch the show but only if DVD sales increase dramatically because so many new customers have pluged into cartoon network to watch Family Guy and it sees like the proper thing to do...relaunch the show! also Fox hates Family Guy because like chi3f said its been way to Ify, especialy the episode i posteed a pic from above, where he hijacks the Popemobile.....






Heh, hey Louis where you there when i farted, cause i farted...heh

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Well All the writers are gone and re hireing them will be hard, just like what happened in season 3 but i think they can make it just as funny. Oh and did you know that Seth McFarlane was supposed to go on the plane that crashed into the WTC but he got his tickets mixed up so he didnt die...which is good, now he can countinue making Family Guy....if they re launch it...

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"Mother says you're good for me, Broccoli, but I'm afraid I'M NO GOOD FOR YOU!!!


Today's forcast calls for a sprinkling of genius, followed by a downpour of DOOM!!!" -- Stewie





Yeah, I got the 1st & 2nd seasons DVD boxset. Family Guy was a great series, if not quirky...and sometimes I think it was those quirks that ultimately made the series fall short in most people's eyes. Those of us who have a view on life that is slightly skewed from the norm and/or have been preconditioned to alternate forms of entertainment by such groups as Monty Python, Kids in the Hall, etc. have found the series to be quite interesting.

(Translation: Most normal people didn't understand the humor.)

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"You're a good woman Lois, maybe you won't burn in hell after all. Maybe you'll go to purgatory with all the unbaptized babies."


"Hey, you love kids Lois!"


Great show, too bad the god damned PC movement (which should be dead) got to it.

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Politically Correct movement...like not saying someone is "black", they are "African-American" or instead of "white" it would be "European-American" or "Caucasian-American"


It does get to be rather silly...had a black friend and he called himself black, but was once corrected by someone to "African-American"...he responded by saying, "Oh, I'm sorry...I didn't mean to offend myself...." :rolleyes:

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Its stupid, because not everyone that's black is "African American", they could come from Hati or something.


EDIT: Another thing I thought of on the whole PC race issue:


My school has an awards assembely, and there is an award for the "African-American Acheivement", which usually goes to one of the lone "African-American" students in each class. So essentially its an award you get for being black, the winner of the Junior award, a friend of mine, admitted as much.


But if they're going to do that, they should have the "Whitey Achievement Award" and "Person of Middle Eastern Decsent Achievement Award", don'tchathink?

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hey what about the "asian achievment award"???


*lukeiamyourdad declares holy war on clefo for forgetting his people;)


Anyway, I think these awards based on different races or cultures, divide people more then they unite them. It's just to please some extremists who'll say their people never win an award and everyone's a racist towards them.

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