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Sue Marley

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Those people doesn't understand what that little cross is doing, flying around all over the screen, moving things. "It's the cursor" you tell them. "Ooooh!" they say. "So how do you blow that pirate's brain out?". "It's not Counterstrike, you know.." - "It isn't?"- "NO!" - Then it sux!!!!"..


I'm not very patience with such people.. :/

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Originally posted by Sue Marley

Some people said to me that you have to be insane to be able to play monkey island. :mad:


Wath do you think?

Are they enviously, a littel bit rigth or simply stupid. :D


Because of the streaming video in EMI, it had to be INSANE :p


But yeah, it's a good game. That's all I say.

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Originally posted by Mullog

Those people doesn't understand what that little cross is doing, flying around all over the screen, moving things. "It's the cursor" you tell them. "Ooooh!" they say. "So how do you blow that pirate's brain out?". "It's not Counterstrike, you know.." - "It isn't?"- "NO!" - Then it sux!!!!"..


I'm not very patience with such people.. :/


Reaper moment: Girl, 8 years, attempting to expose (corrupt with?) friends to LeChuck's Revenge.

Friends see Largo show up. Friends say, "Aim for neck!"

Instead, get beat up. Talk sequence

LeChuck's Revenge deemed boring.:D

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These games (MI1 and MI2 mostly) have shaped my life. All of what I say, my humor mostly, has been changed and improved (i like to think) because of these games. True, I am christened a dork by even my cloest friends...they just don't see the beauty in the games...but heck, its a good life......


Your friends are right. I am insane to find (extreme) humor in a humorous game.

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When I introduced one of my friends to MI (I think it was Curse) she was a little incredulous about the puzzles and their solutions. I.E. she had trouble thinking of the wonderful, wacky, creative answers. But then she played long enough, got quite accustomed to it, and now says "ARRRRR!" with the best of them.


We can both be quite sane at times, but maybe you have to swich into "insane mode" before you can play MI? Or perhaps it's just a zen thing, or maybe we are special....or we are THE ELECT!


Yes, that's great....Players of Monkey Island are the Elect!


Ok, scratch all of that. I am insane.

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Or perhaps you meant the elected, as in voted to be cool? Or something?


My friend said the graphics in SOMI were dodgy so I leant him the game and he played it for a while and when he'd finished he said that the graphics were dodgy.

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Main Entry: Elect

Function: noun

Inflected Form(s): plural elect

Date: 15th century

1 : one chosen or set apart (as by divine favor)

2 plural : a select or exclusive group of people


Aww, now it doesn't sound as special. But IMHO "Elite" is used much more and is therefore less special. I'll stick with Elect.

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  • 3 weeks later...

There are only a few people in this world who have that sense on adventure in them. These are the people who will appreciate MI. I personally wish i lived in the 13th century and be a real pirate (and a female one at that...and a good one - non of the captain kate rubbish).

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The Monkey Island series is one of those games series that has appealed to a massive audience. Ask gamers, non gamers about the games and their faces will light up with nostalgia.


Everyone loves the Monkey Island games. I've heard very few people criticise them. It is by no means a games series for a niche market.

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